STACK #155 Sep 2017
Nolan North on voicing Ghost :
I told the producers I don’t want to know any more than what I need for my part. Not just because of the press, but because of a 13-year-old boy that lives down the hall from me. My son is a huge Destiny fan, and he would not leave me alone. I purposely don’t know too much, apart from what was on my scripts. I do know this – it’s fantastic. I’m personally invested in this game because my son is such a big fan. I drive him crazy. We’ll sit down on the couch and play and I’ll say things like ‘eyes up, Guardian! We should go down to the left,’ and he’ll be like ‘go away Dad’, and I’ll say ‘I’m not Dad. I’m your Ghost, and I love you.’ It’s basically my guilty pleasure to just sit there and torture him. It’s fantastic. I love what Bungie are doing; they’ve been very good to me. People always ask me ‘are you gonna keep doing the Ghost?’ and I always tell them that you’re gonna have to drag me kicking and screaming away from that franchise.
role in the fight, and each should embrace an exciting archetype that will appeal to different players for different reasons.” Deej offers us a deeper dive into the intricacies of the new classes. “In Destiny 2 , we’ve refined the way players customise their Guardians. In addition
Ghaul [is] like Alan Rickman's character from Die Hard – 'minus all the Britishness'
also brought back some classic subclasses, too, including the Titan Striker, Hunter Gunslinger and Warlock Voidwalker – with a fresh twist for each.” Of course, what would new subclasses be without an armoury of new weapons? The folks at Bungie have all your 'exotic' requirements covered, even including two new types of weapons in Destiny 2 – SMGs and grenade launchers. According to Deej, in the sequel, your weapon management will be a little different. “ Destiny 2 features new weapon categories that were designed to expand on your freedom to fight in the ways you prefer. Your kinetic weapons are focused on pure damage. Your energy weapons are optimised for taking down enemy shields. The same archetypes can occupy each slot. If you really love hand cannons, you can equip them in both! Your third slot is for power weapons. In the right hands, these are the one-shot, one-kill weapons, like shotguns, sniper rifles, or even fusion rifles.” Finally, those returning from the original Destiny may expect some sort of honour guard, and Deej offers some super good
to choosing movement modes and grenade types, each subclass has two clear paths that unlock a different playstyle for the player. Destiny 2 will debut three brand new subclasses – the Warlock Dawnblade, Titan Sentinel, and Hunter Arcstrider . " The Dawnblade summons a flaming sword (Daybreak) that you can hurl at foes while floating in the air above. Sentinels summon a devastating shield that can be thrown at range, used up close in melee combat, or deployed to block incoming damage. Arcstriders summon an arc staff and become an acrobatic combatant. We’ve
advice on the subject: “ Destiny 2 will recognise returning players and honour their heritage as veterans of our community. We can’t wait for you to see exactly how.”
• Destiny 2 is out Sept 6
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