STACK #155 Sep 2017
Bungie’s acclaimed first-person shooter Destiny is back for round two.We quizzed David Dague – better known to the Destiny community as Deej – on what we Guardians can expect from the blockbuster sequel, Destiny 2 . Words Alesha Kolbe D arkness falls across the land. Lord Ghaul and his Cabal Red Legion have attacked Earth and the Tower, leaving nothing but rubble in their wake and relieving the Guardians of their Light – the source of their power. This new Fate of All Fools The D a v i d D a g u e
enemy is here for The Traveller, and Bungie community manager David Dague, AKA Deej, explains the villain wants nothing but The Last Word. “Ghaul sees himself as the hero of his own story,” offers Deej. “The commander of the Cabal Red Legion has conquered countless worlds. Now, he has his sights set on Earth, and The
retreat. In the original reveal, game director Luke Smith jokingly referred to Ghaul as being like Alan Rickman’s character from Die Hard – ‘minus all the Britishness.’ That characterisation points to the confidence, intelligence, and deadly intent that he brings against our home as he arrives with his attack fleet.” With that in mind, we can expect a relentless onslaught from Ghaul’s legions. To have the best hope of victory, you’re going to need some new ways to take on your enemies. Of course, to veteran Destiny players, this means new subclasses for Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters. “Destiny has always been an experience that has challenged players to master new forms of combat," and Deej reminds us that when it comes to creating new subclasses, it’s more than just the team picking a new element like fire or lightning to play around with. “When we choose new ones, we focus on compelling hero fantasies that can complement and counter each other in battle. Each subclass should serve a unique
Traveller. With Destiny 2 , we wanted to send an enemy against the Guardians that would set them on the
Guided Games Deej : “Guided Games is a brand-new system that pairs solo players with helpful Clans to take on Destiny 2 's most challenging cooperative activities. Guided Games will make Destiny 2 ’s most challenging activities available to more players than ever before, including solo players and clans that might need just one more player on a given night. By pairing solo players or smaller groups with established clans, we avoid some of the challenges that come with traditional matchmaking. And of course, we’ll still allow matchmaking for our standard suite of cooperative and PvP activities.”
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