STACK #133 Nov 2016
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HB: Someone had to make that point. AL: It’s a very educational show.
watching the Traxedo Edition HB: Thank god we’ve got nine shows, 13 discs, over 30 hours of Hamish and Andy! And don’t forget the specials! HB: “And don’t forget the specials!” is what I’ll say to Andy as we’re walking out of the building. Where did the idea for the GapYear and Caravan of Courage come from? Did you two just need a holiday and figured you could probably get paid whilst you were having fun? AL: That’s pretty much it. HB: I think you’ve got it, Leash. AL: It all stemmed from the caravan trips; that all started from wanting to see Australia, our backyard, first. Too many people we knew out of uni were going overseas for a holiday, and we’re like, “no one’s seen enough of Australia”, so that was where it started... In the most remote places are the best kinds of people because they have to make their own fun – and that’s what sent us to the most remote places Has there ever been any occasions where something’s gone too far? AL: The big one that remained off screen was when we were in Mexico for Longboots... There’re these strange boots that they make really long, and the longer your boots, the more of a man you are.
film with a rival gang and demanded that we film with them as well. HB: It was a longboot jealousy feud. AL: From the way it sounds, it was very hard to take someone seriously ‘cause they were in giant sequined longboots, but from the waist up they were just angry Mexicans. HB: We were watching a lot of Breaking Bad at the time, so we were probably predisposed to fear them. AL: We retreated back to the van for a while to try and sort out the rival gang, and they demanded we dance with them. Andy, you’ve sustained some pretty serious injuries on your travels. AL: I’ve had teeth knocked out. HB: Andy is the clumsy one of the group. AL: On the Caravan of Courage America trip, a 16-year-old managed to knock me out during an American Football Day, obviously proving that it’s better to wear a helmet and padding when you’re playing.
And you were in a band at one point, Andy? AL: Still in a band – still playing the bugle... HB: Bugling. AL: ...and the trumpet. HB: Trumping. Will we be seeing any musical extras on the DVDs? HB: You’ll know things have gotten really desperate if we include one disc of Andy Lee’s trumpet solo – the special Anzac Day Last Call Edition Hamish, I’d listen to your full Dowtown version if it ever got released. HB: I’m looking at doing it on Blu-ray! What have you guys got coming up? HB: We don’t have anything specific planned – but we remain alert at all times to embark on a trip at short notice.
And there were longboot gangs; when we got to the nightclub where we were having a dance- off, there was another longboot gang, and they were kind of offended that we decided to
• Hamish & Andy - The Traxedo Edition is out now
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