STACK #133 Nov 2016
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At least you can say it’s authentic! HB: I never wore shoes on the show.
I’d probably be on my tenth job, fired again for just doodling and making the robots fight each other.
Hamish, what made you decide to giveaway your Mr. NewYork State Bodybuilding Championship trophy? HB: Once you hit the top... AL: He’s come on hard times... HB: realise that it’s not about the trophy. Yeah, it was great to win, and I was top of my game and undisputed champ back in 2011 ‘cause I had the trophy, but I had to step aside and had to make way for other amateur bodybuilders who were also keen to exploit the loophole by being fatter than everyone else in the contest. You didn’t want to give away your Logies instead? HB: It’s at mum’s house – it’s harder to give away. AL: Yeah, she’s got a firm grasp on that one. What can you tell me about the inspirational note that’s accompanying the trophy? Can you give any hints as to what might be on it? HB: I can’t quite yet – I mean it’s really half the prize. AL: I’d say it’s three quarters... HB: No, Ando. You’ve seen the trophy – it’s solid-bronze... looking. It’s quite ironic, really. You’re giving the trophy to a very strong guy, but you’ve made it light so they can lift it easier. But yeah, the inspirational note will be heartfelt, and it will help all junior amateur body athletes. AL: On the same theme of bodybuilding, the trophy is painted
bronze, and all the people that we met when we were out the back there at the bodybuilding contest in NewYork, they were out there layering on fake tan, painting themselves bronze... So the whitest guys in the world came out looking very, very tanned. HB: The note will be bronze as well. I can give that away. I can reveal for the first time ever – this is an exclusive – the inspirational note that accompanies the trophy will be bronze. You guys met back at university in the early 2000s, is that right? HB: We were both coming out of our Y2K bunkers – we made sure the coast was clear, gave it three years and then we came out. Have you ever thought about what you’d be doing if you two hadn’t met at uni? HB: I wouldn’t be having any fun. Andy rescued me from a life... I enjoyed doing science, but I have nowhere near the attention span required to be scientist. I’d just be in the lab stealing stuff and messing around. I’d probably be on my
tenth job, fired again, for just doodling and making the robots fight each other. AL: I would’ve had significantly less laughs, but followed my heart and been a runway model in Milan probably. HB: I’ve always felt a bit guilty for keeping Andy off the catwalk, and I’ve probably made a personal enemy out of Giorgio Armani because of it. A new Caravan of Courage venture perhaps? HB: Armani’s revenge – we agree to meet Giorgio Armani for a showdown in the Sierra Desert [?!]. Did you ever think you’d be able to make careers as funny guys? HB: We expect it to end tomorrow at all times. AL: We’re still in shock, and so are our parents, waiting for us to get real jobs. HB: We’ll get the tap on the shoulder one day and our response to them will be, “What took you so long?” We’ll leave quietly, and good luck to the next generation. AL: We can go home and reminisce by
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