STACK NZ Mar #71
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HEY! LISTEN! The chronology of The Legend of Zelda isn't synchronous with the years the games were released. But if you’re looking at it from a chronological point of view, Skyward Swords is the first entry in the franchise, which then splits into one of three separate timelines following events in The Ocarina of Time . Either Link is defeated by Ganon and descends into The Decline of Hyrule and the Last Hero, or he is the champion and enters either The Twilight Realm and the Legacy of the Hero or The Hero of Winds and a NewWorld. Confusing, isn’t it?
arose from the idea to port the original Legend of Zelda to the GBC. The pair were designed to be complementary, much like iterations of the Pokémon games that are released together. The Wind Waker (2003) The Wind Waker saw a dramatic change in the art style of Link, which led to the introduction of the Toon Link we now see in Smash Bros. titles. The game focuses on travel between multiple islands through use of the Wind Waker;
title to the Zelda series. Retaining the infamous
spinning move, as well as the typical bombs and bow
and arrows, the title also holds amiibo compatibility. Tri-Force Heroes (2015) A multiplayer-only title for the 3DS, Tri-Force Heroes relies on teamwork to reach the end of dungeons. The game exists mostly outside the main Zelda “canon”, as it involves three players as alternately coloured Links. The Legend of Zelda (2016)
a baton manipulating wind currents through music. Twilight Princess (2006) Now 10 years old, Twilight Princess saw Link transformed into a wolf to travel between parallel dimensions. The game is
A remake of the original Legend of Zelda , the 2016
Wii U port has been delayed multiple times. Featuring a more open world and more choice for players, the title is scheduled to land sometime later this year.
considered by many to be the best entry in the Zelda series to date. Phantom Hourglass (2007)
Wii until 2011. Designed with the Wii controllers in mind, players can use the Motion Sensor Remote and Nunchuk to control Link and his sword on their quest to, once again, rescue Zelda. A Link Between Worlds (2013) A sequel to the SNES’ Link to the Past , A Link Between Worlds was developed for the 3DS and mostly takes place in the same setting as its prequel. The game allows players to merge onto the walls of their environment as a painting, granting access to previously inaccessible areas. Hyrule Warriors (2014) Hyrule Warriors takes inspiration from Koei Tecmo’s Dynasty Warriors series, and introduces the first hack-and-slash
Phantom Hourglass was released for Nintendo DS as a sequel to Wind Waker , and features the return of “Toon Link” as he travels to save his childhood friend Tetra. The title was very well received and earned numerous Game of the Year awards for its platform. Spirit Tracks (2009) A follow-on from Phantom Hourglass for the DS, Spirit Tracks employed a similar gameplay mechanic to the ship traversal of its predecessor, this time having players control a train. You could even blow into the microphone on the console to activate certain actions. Skyward Sword (2011) Skyward Sword is chronologically the earliest instalment in the Zelda franchise, however it didn’t make it to
The Triforce The world of The Legend of Zelda was created by three mythical goddesses; Nayru, the goddess of wisdom; Farore, the goddess of courage; and Din, the goddess of power. When they departed the world they had created, they left behind three golden triangles, better known as the Triforce. It is said that any wish the holder of this Triforce desires will be imagined. It does not, however, distinguish between good and evil, allowing for both good and bad wishes. It is said to be the root of most disturbances in Hyrule, as the battle to obtain it wages on throughout history.
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