STACK #220 February 2023
9 There is an internal Hogwarts shortcut which connects the Grand Staircase and the ClockTower, hidden behind a painting of Damara Dodderidge.What is the password to gain access? A Chops and gravy B Steak and sausage C Turnip, turnip, turnip 10 By the late-19th century (the era in which Hogwarts Legacy is set), the Hogwarts Express had been ferrying students from London’s King’s Cross Station to Hogsmeade Station near the school for at least four decades.Why was the Hogwarts Express created? A To address the problem of Muggles spotting magical students flying through the air on the way to Hogwarts on brooms, creatures, and all other manner of enchanted objects B The school’s then-Headmistress Eupraxia Mole launched the project as a gift to her adored son, an avid admirer of Muggle mechanical engineering – and as a symbol of prosperity between Muggles and magical folk C The vibrations and audible rumbling of trains was found to deter the Gutwit, a bloodthirsty frog which is especially fond of feasting on the brains of teenaged students 11 Hogwarts is enchanted so that if a Muggle comes close to its location, they will see only a ruined building and a sign saying…? A WELCOME ANNUAL UK CANNIBAL CONVENTION B BIOHAZARD C DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE 12 Chinese Chomping Cabbage is the key ingredient in which healing potion? A Skele-Gro B Essence of Dittany C Pepperup Potion 13 What's likely to happen if a hopeful Squib child dons the Sorting Hat during a Sorting Ceremony (as reportedly occurred in the 1860s)? A The hat will sympathetically state that the child is good-hearted but not a wizard B The hat will convulse and cough out pieces of leather C The hat will cackle louder and louder until it is removed from the Squib’s head 14 By what name do the house-elves at Hogwarts call the Room of Requirement?
Hogwarts Express
18 What will befall the drinker of an incorrectly-mixed Draught of Peace? A They will mistake any hostile behaviour as friendliness B They will develop an aggressive mania C They will fall into a heavy and sometimes permanent sleep 19 Historically, which magical creature were wizards allowed to keep in their personal care as long as they performed daily Disillusionment Charms to keep Muggles from seeing the animal’s true, alarming appearance? A Thestral B Blast-Ended Skrewt C Acromantula 20 In Hogwarts’ Entrance Hall there stands a golden statue of a magical person holding a model of the castle in one hand and, in the other, charts and a set square.The statue depicts: A The Protector of Hogwarts, a hybrid witch-wizard symbolising all four of the school’s founders in one body B The Eye of Hogwarts, AKA Oort the Ocular, first caretaker of the school and engineer of at least two secret passages C The Architect of Hogwarts, an unnamed wizard who planned, designed and oversaw construction of the castle RESULTS See answers on the competition page (page 21 from back cover). Add up your score, with one point for each correct answer.
A The Secret Squirrel Room B The Come and Go Room C The Get It While It’s There Room
15 What is the term given to the uncommon occurrence of the Sorting Hat taking longer than five minutes to sort a Hogwarts student? A Sorting Stonewall B Hatstall C Hat Halt
0 – 5: 6 – 10: 11 – 15: 16 – 20:
Dear me! Someone needs to spend less time on the Quidditch pitch and more time at the library. A disappointing effort, though some Baruffio’s Brain Elixir may help you on your wizarding journey.
16 How did Herpo the Foul breed the first-ever Basilisk – the serpentine creature hidden within the Chamber of Secrets by
Hogwarts co-founder Salazar Slytherin? A He hatched a chicken egg underneath a toad B He splinched a rat and an eel C He performed the Cruciatus Curse on a pregnant lizard, transforming its embryo 17 Which of these is a primary ingredient in Wit-Sharpening Potion, the creation of which is taught in fifth-year Potions class? A Kitten claw B Armadillo bile C Fillet of fairy
We can practically see your trivia-filled brain pulsating behind your eyeballs – bravo!
Okay, you’ve impressed us: no one is supposed to get this far. We highly recommend you become a professor to educate us lesser Muggles in the ways of the Wizarding World!
Nearly Headless Nick
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