STACK #220 February 2023




1 Which of these areas inside Hogwarts has never been depicted visually inWizardingWorld media before (and will be shown for the first time in Hogwarts Legacy )?

A The Owlery B The Trophy Room C The Ravenclaw commonroom

2 How did Nearly Headless Nick become a ghost? A He was sentenced to decapitation for casting a spell on a witch which caused her to grow tusks B The silk scarf he was wearing around his neck became tangled in the hooves of a departing Hippogriff C A prank by a pair of wizards – in which one convinced Nick that a famously

beautiful witch could be seen out the window, after which the other released the latch on the window pane – went horribly wrong 3 In what area of the United Kingdom is Hogwarts located? A Yorkshire Dales B Cambrian Mountains C Scottish Highlands 4 The Room of Requirement is located on Hogwarts’ seventh floor, opposite a huge tapestry depicting what? A Barnabas the Barmy attempting to teach ballet to a group of trolls B Seven Hippogriffs bowing to Helga Hufflepuff C An ’impossible feast’ of historical wizarding enemies breaking bread together 5 One of the seven secret passages which provides access in and out of Hogwarts is located behind the statue of Gregory the...? A Leathery B Smarmy C Sleek 6 In Care of Magical Creatures class for fifth year students, one of the core critters studied is the Porlock. It is a: A Tiny, phosphorescent insect which always flies in groups of nine and whose excretions are useful in invisibility potions B Shaggy, horse-like creature which walks on two hind legs and guards horse herds C Ocean-dwelling reptile resembling a winged eel, capable of flying out of the water to catch much larger prey 7 What is the name of the magical creature, also studied by fifth year students, which resembles a large feline with

You won’t find any “Which Hogwarts house is Harry Potter in?” questions here – this quiz is designed to root out the casual fans of theWizardingWorld from the truly bonkers devotees. All questions revolve around elements

that you’ll find in the frothily anticipated new offering from Portkey Games, Hogwarts Legacy .

speckled fur and a lion-like tail? A Kakkado B Krinklat C Kneazle (Fun fact: Hermione Granger’s pet Crookshanks is half-Kneazle.)

8 What does Hogwarts’ Latin motto – Draco Dormiens NunquamTitillandus – mean? A A dragon asleep is worth two in a rage B Never tickle a sleeping dragon C Spit at a dragon and suffer tenfold


Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat



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