What’s an early, cherished music memory? Roxette ‘94, at St
My first album was Frogstomp by Silverchair. It was a gift from my dad, who
Georges Park, South Africa. Which recent album do you
also bought me the chord book, which I just didn’t understand. I’ve never
currently have on repeat? The third Nothing but Thieves
album, Moral Panic . What’s your all-time favourite album and why? Roxette’s Look Sharp - it defines my growing up years, and is one of the perfect pop albums. Do you have a vinyl collection? If so, how did it begin, and expand? CDs got to 7000 so I decided I
been good at playing chords. But I love Silverchair so much. I played the CD over and over and I remember the excitement of going through the book – it was white with a green frog on the cover. It was just the excitement about the potential of learning, even if I didn’t do it. I haven’t met the Silverchair guys. I’m not big on meeting my heroes. But we still play the album sometimes and I still love it. My music director is a killer on the guitar; backstage, we’ll call out songs and he’ll play them.
Photo credit: Sean Loaney
needed to move to vinyl - so far 500 in three years - cassettes also at 200. What do you enjoy most about working in music at JB? Everything we do and sell makes peoples’ lives better.
HOWARD CARTER-BROWN Store manager @ JB Mt Ommaney, QLD
The Epilogue by Dean Lewis is out Oct 18 via Island/ Universal
In the hotseat this month is PHIL JAMIESON from Grinspoon, who are on their whatever, whenever, wherever national tour.
Photo credit: Michelle Grace Hunder
Song you wish you’d written? If we’re going to go back, it’s Friday on My Mind . Looking forward, I really like Wildflower off the Billie Eilish record, and there’s a song called See Your Face Again on the Fred Again record which I also really love. If you weren’t a rock star, what would you be? I’m not much good at anything else. Like Quentin Tarantino, I was obsessed with films, so back in the day, I wanted to work at a video store, which really ages me. Last album you bought? I bought two albums on vinyl: Emilee
Five words to describe yourself: Sporadically impatient, institutionalised, fun, spontaneous. Your all-time favourite album? Today it would be Soundgarden’s Badmotorfinger . What did your most memorable school report say? “Philip spends more time annoying and distracting. It is a hindrance to his education.” What would be your Hard Quiz expert subject? Tom Gleeson. Tom Gleeson would have to ask me about Tom Gleeson… and I’d get everything wrong.
it’s a hospitality rider. Your funeral song?
South’s Luxury and The Buoys’ Lustre . Both great records. Aside from yourself, which musician would you most like to be? That’s a good question. Those Peking Duk fellows seem to have a lot of fun. I also love Iggy Pop. I wept when I saw him, so I think he’s the guy. What’s the most ridiculous item you’ve ever put on your rider? Back in the day, there was a carton of cigarettes. What were we thinking? Our rider is famously ridiculous right now. I think it contains 270 standard drinks – and I don’t drink. But if you meet any of Pat, Joe, and Kris’s friends, you realise
I’d get Bernard to sing These Days . Fred Again’s See Your Face Again would play during a montage of my life. Fly in Billie Eilish to perform Édith Piaf’s No Regrets , and finish with Amy Taylor singing Lust for Life . That’s a banging funeral, isn’t it? Happiness is… A warm gun.
whatever, whatever by Grinspoon is out now via Universal
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