


You never know when blind aliens with supersonic hearing might invade. We reckon it’s better to be safe than sorry, so here are five tips for surviving a bloodthirsty takeover. 1 Shut up! It really is that easy. Keep your mouth closed and don’t say a word. 2 Talk with your hands. The classic thumbs-up, middle finger, and ridgy-didge ought to convey all that needs to be said. 3 The floor is lava and so is gravel. In other words, watch your step. In fact, buy some socks and wear them over your shoes. 4 Travel with gabber-mouths. That is to say if you must travel in groups, find people who won’t shut up, because it’s better they be eaten than you. 5 Carry scuba gear. Sure, it’s heavy to lug, but these aliens can’t swim. It’s safer to swim away than to run away. THE KEYS TO SURVIVAL

We know what happened to society after the blind aliens invaded Earth, but now comes the time to learn all about their origin, and how the horrors of their arrival unfolded in A Quiet Place: Day One . Words Gill Pringle ”T he scale of this story is bigger and more terrifying than ever before,” promised Lupita Nyong’o at this year’s annual CinemaCon event in Las Vegas back in April.

After conceiving and directing the first two A Quiet Place films, John Krasinski hands over the director’s reins to Michael Sarnoski, who made his feature film directorial debut just three years ago with Pig , starring Nicolas Cage as a lonely and isolated truffle hunter. Presumably, this put him into the mindset of A Quiet Place ’s bizarre and silent world. Not that this prequel flick, Day One , is anything but

Joseph Quinn and Lupita Nyong’o

silent - as its new characters quickly learn that staying mute is the only way to survive. Starring Nyong’o, Djimon


Hounsou, Alex Wolff, and Stranger Things ’ Joseph Quinn, Day One takes us to the big smoke as New York City comes under attack in a wide scale invasion. Taking to the CinemaCon stage with her co-star Quinn, Oscar winner Nyong’o said, ”Now we are no longer in the isolation of the Abbott family’s farm. Instead, Day One finds

John Krasinski’s single greatest moment following the

Lupita Nyong’o and Djimon Hounsou

release of A Quiet Place was receiving a tweet from the maestro of horror, Stephen King, which stated ”A QUIET PLACE is an an extraordinary piece of work. Terrific acting, but the main thing is the SILENCE, and how it makes the camera’s eye open wide in a way few movies manage”.

• A Quiet Place: Day One is out Oct 16

our characters navigating one of the busiest cities on the planet - on the day it has to fall silent. The story is at a scale more compelling and horrifying than ever.” Giving a shout-out to their director, who was seated in the audience, Quinn added, ”His brilliant story

asked the question: What would happen if New York City - one of the loudest cities in the world - went quiet? Filming this was a thrilling experience. And one I will never forget,” said the Brit actor whose breakout performance as Stranger Things ’ Eddie Munson made him one of the hottest properties in Hollywood, next up starring in Ridley Scott’s highly-anticipated Gladiator II . Unlike the first two films, A Quiet Place: Day One doesn’t follow the Abbott family, instead focussing on Nyong’o’s Sam in Manhattan. Here, she must work through the first moments of the alien invasion in the notoriously loud city that never sleeps.

A Quiet Place - 3 Movie Collection is out on DVD, BD & 4K on Oct 16

32 OCTOBER 2024

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