Amongst lectures, Chess Club, campus parties, and and getting to library early to secure your favourite spot, your uni life still has room for your most cherished pursuit: content creation! And just because you’re living on noodles and navigating a sharehouse, it doesn’t mean the quality of your podcast or TikTok videos has to suffer. Words Zoë Radas
Lilith Lane
CHOOSE YOUR SPOT If you live on campus, you probably don’t have many options as to where you record – though you can check with your RA to see if there’s a janitor’s cupboard going begging (see our ’Next to Narnia’ tip below)! Different universities have all different kinds of living arrangements available to students of course, but you may need to go with the only room you have at your disposal if you’re in a one-bedroom (or even shared bedroom) situation. If that’s the case, never fear: you can still arrange your space into a very worthy little audio studio. If you’re in a sharehouse, think beyond your own bedroom. Is there a shed in the garden? A walk-in pantry? A large storage cupboard of some kind? Bear in mind, of course, you don’t want to be half-way through recording a passionate monologue when your housemate bursts in looking for the Cornflakes. W e’re looking at how you can transform your space on a budget – as well as the best bits of gear to spend your hard-earned clams on – to ensure your content continues to get better and better alongside your uni essay-writing skills. We’ve enlisted the help of Naarm/Melbourne singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, audio engineer and producer Lilith Lane to deliver the very best tips for your set-up.
PRIORITISING POSTURE Now’s the time to clear the clutter and prep your space. Good posture is important whether you’re recording for one minute or one hour, so ensure your sitting arrangement is comfortable! Much like the wardrobe situation, straining your body in weird ways will a) tire you out, and b) affect the cadence and tone of your voice. Try to position your set-up away from windows to minimise outdoor noise.
Next to Narnia? Many podcasters choose to record in their wardrobe! The reason becomes crispy-clear once you think about the basics of acoustics: a small space filled with soft fabrics will keep ambient sound and echoes at bay, resulting in top-notch recordings. The downside is that most wardrobes aren’t magically larger on the inside than the outside; creators can end up twisting themselves into godawful shapes trying to fit their equipment in between jumpers and shoes.
Photo credit: Sincerely Media - Unsplash
24 FEBRUARY 2024
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