Soundtrack your training sessions with the perfect ear gear. Words Bec Summer WIRELESS WORKOUTS
B roadly speaking, there are two types of people when it comes to exercise. Fanatics addicted to fitness who actually enjoy working out, and the rest of us who only really do it because we know it’s good for us. If fitness is part of your daily routine, you can take a few steps to make
it more enjoyable, and having a decent set of headphones or earbuds is right at the top of the list. It doesn’t matter if you’re running 10km a day, pushing through a gruelling gym program, or walking the groodle around the local park – having some banging beats in
your ears has been scientifically proven to lift the mood, increase stamina and improve performance. But choosing the right gear for the right job is as crucial as the playlist that soundtracks your workout. So, what’s the deal?
18 JULY 2022
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