






STORAGE SOLUTIONS Laptops quickly fill up with photos, videos and games, but their internal storage capacity can be small. That’s where portable storage devices come into play, like the ubiquitous USB flash drives that have changed our lives. These inexpensive, pocket-friendly storage solutions can range in size from 16GB to 512GB, so it’s best to have a rough idea of what you want to store on it before purchasing. A 16GB flash drive will hold approximately 3,800 12MP photos, up to 4,000 songs, four hours of HD video, and 320,000 single-page word documents. That should more than suffice for everyday school use, but it’s always better to have more storage space than you’ll need, and the SanDisk USB 3.0 Flash Drive (32GB) will give students twice the capacity as well as a fast read speed of 100Mbps. If you’ve got a vast digital library that’s taking up space on your laptop, or need a quick

The 123 of USB When purchasing a USB cable, consider the data transfer speed required, as measured in megabits per second (Mbps) and gigabits per second (Gbps): USB 1 – 12 Mbps USB 2.0 – 480 Mbps

and reliable way to back-up the day’s work or larger files, an external Solid State Drive (SDD) is the solution. An SSD is similar to a computer’s hard drive, but stores data on flash-memory chips. These small, portable devices can hold

terabytes of data in their TARDIS-like interior and are ideal for students to keep work safe and secure – it’s simply a matter of how much storage capacity is required. The Seagate OneTouch 1TB Portable SSD is a lightweight and shock-resistant plug- and-play drive that will effortlessly transfer files with speeds of up to 1,030Mbps. It also includes an Android app for backing up photos and videos, as well as file mirroring software for seamless access. Alternatively, for students who require less storage space, the sleek SamsungT7 SSD 500GB delivers equally fast transfer speeds along with multi-device compatibility and built-in security options.

USB 3.0 – 5 Gbps USB 3.1 – 10 Gbps

USB 3.0 is backwards

compatible with older devices, but it helps to first check a device’s manager to determine the type of USB port(s) it has.

ACCESSORISE! For turbo-charged speed at 5A/100W and 480Mbps data transfer for quick synching with devices, look no further than the Cygnett Armoured 2.0 USB-C to USB-C cable. This durable and well insulated lead works well in tandem with a charging platform and at a generous 2m, offers ample room to move and can double as an extension cable.

24 JANUARY 2022

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