
SEE ANSWERS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE 3. Princess Diana rollerskated around the Palace listening to Duran Duran ............ 4. Princess Diana’s first overseas tour was to Australia & New Zealand in 1985 ............ 5. The Queen feeds her dogs herself ............ SEE A S E S AT T E B TT OF T E PA E TRUE, FALSE or MAYBE? 1. The Queen loves horses and can ride side saddle ............ 2 . Thatcher left Balmoral early after attending the Braemar Games ............


(Season 4 Episode 2:The Balmoral Test) There is no record of Thatcher leaving her first visit to Balmoral early, as The Crown Episode 2 suggests, but the dramatized storyline and Gillian Anderson’s masterful acting has made it a great viewing, wouldn’t you agree? Princess Di is a big fan of Duran Duran, although there is no record of her actually did rollerskate in the palace, Golden Globe winner Emma Corrin who has portraited Princess Di undertook her first-ever trip abroad with Prince Charles and baby Prince William. They spent over 40 days in Australia and New Zealand. Also did you know that Terra nullius is a Latin expression meaning “nobody’s land”? excuse to avoid talking to Princess Diana at Sandringham seen in the final episode of this multi-award winning series, in reality, the Queen indeed feeds her corgis!

5. True (Season 4 Episode 10: War) The Queen wasn’t using feeding her dogs as the

4. False (Season 4 Episode 6: Terra Nullius) Sorry we have tricked you! It is in 1983,

Diana in The Crown has defended the scene, saying “I think she did do that.”

3. Maybe (Season 4 Episode 3: Fairytale) It is correct that

ANSWERS: 1. True (Season 4 Episode 1: Gold Stick) Watch the sensational Olivia Colman as the Queen, side saddling in the opening scene of Episode 1.

2. False

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