STACK #185 Mar 2020



Now for he nitty gritty! Firstly, what you need to know is that you can only pay music on your stream if you have everything running on PC; it won’t work if you’re streaming off your Xbox. For the purpose of this question I’ll only be able to tell you how I get music on my stream, so some programs and settings might differ with the broadcasting software you use (eg. OBS studio, StreamLabs OBS, etc). I’m using “OBS studio” (Open Broadcaster Software), this is used to capture your game window, webcam, overlays, sound, etc, and the music software Spotify. When you have created the scene you want with all of your overlays in place, make sure

you have a “Source” called “Desktop Audio” (this should already be there as default). When you play music on your computer, this should pick it up and you can see the volume level in the “Audio Mixer”. If the bar is starting to go into the red it may be too loud for your stream, so make sure you turn it down to a comfortable level. The last thing to do is to give it a test. First, put the music on that you will be listening to, get ready to start talking as loudly as you would normally, and then hit the “Start Recording button” (this should be placed under the “Start Streaming” button). When you have finished recording, go and find where the video saved and watch it back. Make sure you do all

Dear Duke,

I’m having real problems putting music to my streams. Can you help me, please? Michael T., Baulkham Hills, NSW

Are you kickstarting your own play in game streaming or content creation and looking for some advice? Hit a plateau and need a bit of guidance to take your stream to the next level? Unsure of what kit you need to make your stream a success? Each month, STACK ’s very own Agony Uncle, the Duke of Flukes, is on hand to answer any question at all about streaming and content creation. With a wealth of experience and knowledge, a great understanding of tech and the patience of a saint, let the Duke alleviate your frustrations and pave the way to stress-free streaming. Write to Dear Duke at

Hi Michael, Music can be a great way to add a little extra bit of entertainment to your stream. Before we get into it, always make sure that while you’re streaming, make sure the music is appropriate (so nothing

homophobic or racist) and you may have to play non-copyrighted music. The reason for this is that streaming platforms can have copyright in place that will restrict you from playing them if they’re licenced. However, there is some amazing non- copyright music on Spotify you can use.

the adjustments and continue this process until you have just the right volume that you want for your stream.


You can follow Duke of Flukes on Mixer right here:

1 The first game you played? This is going to have to be a guess, because it was a looooong time ago, so it was either the arcade version of Space Invaders , or Donkey Kong . 2 The last game you finished? Probably Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild , which coincidentally I have just started a fresh play-through of. 3 Your favourite game of all time? ICO on the PS2. 4 The most underrated game of all time? Earth Defense Force 2017 on the XBOX 360. 5 The game you wish you had developed? The original Myst .

UpperCut Games Ed Orman


MARCH 2020

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