STACK #185 Mar 2020




Chart Vinyl


snowballed from there. I played in a band with her for years called Terrapin and we did a tour of Europe and stuff like that.“ Of his studio, Beattie explains, “We don't really run it as a commercial entity; it's just a labour of love, to be honest. We've got a tape machine and we record mostly to analogue, which is something that we really love. We love the whole DIY mentality. When I was in high school I would've loved for someone to have given us the opportunity to record, so we do some high school bands' demos and I actually generate a lotta interest from just talking to customers!“

Once a customer even gifted Beattie a djembe (“a massive handmade African drum“): “Her neighbours were complaining about her banging on this drum when she wanted to practise so she had to get rid of it and she just came in and gave it to me!“ So what's one of Beattie's most prized album possessions? “I actually have -there was 200 initial test pressing copies for The Black Keys' first album, before the Fat Possum re-pressing and, yeah! They're super-hard to come by. It was in amongst someone who's passed away's estate; I think they had used to work for a record label that received one as a promo copy.


W hen Bryan Beattie, who was born in the UK, looks back on his childhood he recalls his family driving around together a lot. “There was always music playing in the car,“ he says, “there was lotsa really classic '80s art rock and lots of David Bowie.“ This inspired Beattie to pick up an instrument and play. “I played

1. Tame Impala The Slow Rush 2. Tyler The Creator Igor 3. Harry Styles Fine Line 4. Queen Greatest Hits 5. David Gray White Ladder 6. Billie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go? 7. Fleetwood Mac Rumors 8. The Strokes Is This It 9. Gang Of Youths Go Farther In Lightness 10. Paul Kelly Songs From The South: Hits 1985 - 2019

fiddle when I was a little bit younger, but it was really playing guitar and bass in a band with my little brother, Stuart, that made me fall in love with it. We were into metal so our showpiece was always Master Of Puppets by Metallica.“ One of the first times the Beattie brothers performed on stage was when Bryan was just 14. “Our guitar teachers were in the local support act, so they dragged us on stage and, yeah! I also haven't stopped since. It's addictive!“ Since then, Bryan has also set up “a little independent recording studio“ underneath his house. “A few years ago I bumped into a local musician called Tasha Zappala - a local musician - and offered to record some stuff, and it sort of

I'm not even sure how much it's worth, but I don't think I'd trade that for anything,“ he stresses. Beattie is proud to be “the only full-time media person that's in music“ at JB Hi-Fi Townsville and has worked at the same store for almost eight years. “I actually met my wife Heather through working at JB,“ he shares. “She used to work on the counter and she was one of the only other people in the store that had a high tolerance for noise and punk rock. It'd be late on a Thursday night and I'd put on something mostly for me to enjoy in the store after listening to pop music all day and she was the only person that didn't complain about it,“ he laughs. “I think she's even more punk rock than I am!“

Bryan Beattie at JBTownsville



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MARCH 2020

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