STACK #185 Mar 2020


Issue 185 MAR 2020

Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & TV Editor Scott Hocking Music Editor Zoë Radas Acting Music Editor Bryget Chrisfield Online Editor Amy Flower Creative Director Gary Siewert Movies Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Sachi Fernando Music Consultant Mike Glynn Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Gill Pringle Contributors Glenn Cochrane, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Nathan Lawrence, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Adam Colby, Dan Nicholson, Alex Deutrom, Bec Summer Social Media Manager Imogene Lewis-Granland Production Manager Craig Patterson Correspondence STACK 33 Jessie Street, Richmond, VIC 3121 Disclaimer STACK is published by Scribal Custom Pty Ltd (ACN 092 362 135). © Copyright Scribal Custom Pty Ltd, 2020 All rights reserved. All material appearing in this publication is copyright unless otherwise stated or it may rest with the provider of the supplied material or advertisement. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Scribal Custom Pty Ltd. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of advertisements or information. Whilst care has been taken in the research and preparation of this publication, the publishers, writers or anyone else associated cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, injury or hardship arising from the content contained herein or reliance therefrom, howsoever caused, and it remains your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any such content. Views expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher or the editor. By the very nature of this publication, things change daily and we cannot take responsibility for any changes or inaccuracies that occur subsequent to going to press. RATINGS GUIDE


Awards season is done and dusted, with many of the major category winners already on the shelves at JB H-Fi including Best Picture and Actor Oscar recipients Parasite and Joker , respectively. Joining them this month is the deserving Academy Award and BAFTA winner for Adapted Screenplay, Jojo Rabbit . Taika Waititi’s clever lampooning of the fascist mindset – told from the perspective of a misguided boy indoctrinated into the Nazi Youth movement during WWII – is a heartfelt and genuinely funny throwback to the kind of satire that Mel Brooks did so well. The Kiwi writer-director has his mother to thank for introducing him to the source novel by Christine Leunens, Caging Skies , and also reveals to STACK how he ended up playing a buffoonish version of Hitler in the film. Elsewhere (or in this case, Elsa-where), Disney’s ice queen returns in Frozen II , the record-breaking sequel (grossing US$350 million in its worldwide debut) that brings with it an all-new playlist of earworms that kids won’t be able to let go. And don’t miss writer-director Rian Johnson’s ingenious modern whodunnit Knives Out , which comes loaded with a starry ensemble cast and a holeproofed central mystery that’s a challenge to solve – Agatha Christie would be proud. For the tech enthused or those who are interested in automating their home, we take a good look at the ever increasing popularity of the smart home, and what it exactly takes to get involved. If you’re looking to upgrade your network at home to encompass the seemingly endless list of devices that can now be connected online, our networking feature will provide all the solutions you need. And finally, are you a little confused about Wi-Fi 6? Allow us to explain exactly what it is and what it means for you. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief

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MARCH 2020

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