STACK's Ultimate Monster Guide
Size Does Matter
THEM! (1954) SPECIES: Ants (again). MUTATED BY: Atomic testing in the New Mexico desert. IN DANGER: James Whitmore, Gunsmoke ’s James Arness, a young Leonard Nimoy, and eventually, Los Angeles. SOLUTION: Bomb the nest with cyanide gas. MUTATED BY: Apparently they were all this big once, but atomic testing is still to blame when a nuclear explosion releases it from its icy arctic prison. IN DANGER: A bunch of Greenland Eskimos, the Washington monument and ultimately, New York. SOLUTION: Gas the beast in the Lincoln tunnel. THE DEADLY MANTIS (1957) SPECIES: A prehistoric Praying Mantis.
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINK (1957) SPECIES: A sinister spider and a terrifying tabby cat. MUTATED BY: Everyday guy is shrunk by radioactive mist. IN DANGER: Our pint-sized hero. SOLUTION: “That Existence begins and ends is Man’s concept, not Nature’s... To God there is no zero, I still exist!” Ergo, he is tiny, he is mad, and he will survive.
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