STACK's Ultimate Monster Guide

Monster Makers

Stan Winston

THE LATE STAN WINSTON WAS HOLLYWOOD’S PREMIER SPECIAL EFFECTS ENGINEER AND MONSTER MAKER, WHOSE ICONIC CREATIONS – THE PREDATOR, THE ALIEN QUEEN, THE CYBORGS OF THE TERMINATOR FILMS AND THE DINOSAURS OF JURASSIC PARK – CONTINUE TO INSPIRE AWE AND TERROR IN VIEWERS. A frequent collaborator with director James Cameron, Winston’s expertise in the areas of makeup, puppets, animatronics and practical effects were second to none (see below). He received Academy Awards for his work on Aliens , Terminator 2: Judgement Day and Jurassic Park . Winston also directed one of his most fearsome creations in Pumpkinhead , and served as producer on genre films like Wrong Turn and The Deaths of Ian Stone .

EDWARD SCISSORHANDS Winston completed what Vincent Price couldn’t, namely goth punk, S&M chic and a killer handshake.

ALIENS Her majesty, the Queen – easily one of the greatest movie monsters ever conceived.

THE TERMINATOR Winston got under Ah-nold’s skin to reveal what all of us already knew; what a robot!

PREDATOR Dreadlocked alien hunter, master of

JURASSIC PARK Velociraptors, triceratops, dilophosaurus and a rampagingT-Rex – spot which ones are CGI.

disguise and "one ugly motherf-er" that kicked big Arnie’s butt.

GALAXY QUEST By Grabthar’s Hammer, General Sarris proved a fearsome adversary for Tim Allen and crew.

THE RELIC The museum monster Kothoga was a toothy, brain-eating hybrid of the Predator, an insect and a hyena.


PUMPKINHEAD Winston created and directed the eponymous Demon of Vengeance in this terrific backwoods horror tale.

BATMAN RETURNS Danny Devito’s grotesque Penguin has been aptly described as “a walking testicle”.

More than a toy, Teddy kept Master David from becoming so much scrap metal.

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