STACK #155 Sep 2017
TECH FEATURE Putting the
Logitech G
The Chiefs are one of Australia’s oldest – and most well-known – esports clubs. It makes sense, then, that they’d partner with Logitech G for their peripherals. Words Alesha Kolbe F ounded in 2014, the Chiefs started as members of ex- League of Legends squad
for a lot of the guys in the team who might forget to charge their mice.” The Chiefs’ LoL team live together in a gaming house – something that is slowly becoming the norm for Australian esports teams and, as Holland suggests, something unique to this particular sport. “You don’t really get that in any other sport. You might have dorms or teammates rooming together, but nothing on this scale.” Naturally, there are pros and cons to living in such a confined space with those you work with. “You get to build this great synergy with your team, you
Team Immunity. Now, with both League and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive teams, the boys are taking Oceania – and the world – by storm. Brandon ‘Swip3rr’ Holland is their LoL team’s top laner. His entire kit is comprised of Logitech peripherals; he uses the G903 mouse, a G610 mechanical keyboard with blue switches – “I prefer the sound, but some of my teammates think it’s a bit loud,” he laughs – and the G933 Artemis White headset.
PowerplayWireless Charging Mousepad
wireless mice, together with the Powerplay Wireless Charging Mat. Essentially, it uses electromagnetic resonance to charge the mice while they’re on the surface of
The Powerplay mat is something we're genuinely really excited for
can practise together and review together and do a lot of team bonding," notes Holland. "At the same time, with everyone living under the same roof it can be hard to get privacy at times. We’ve recently moved
G933 Artemis
G610 Orion
the mat, virtually removing the need for charging ever again. For Holland
The Chiefs are an ambassador to wireless gaming peripherals (if you couldn’t tell from Brandon’s setup), and Holland has never noticed a difference or a lack of reliability in using wireless tech. “I think we all had that stigma way back in the day about wireless – in particular the battery being an issue,” offers the top laner. “I personally have never had an issue with battery in my mice, and I never forget to charge it. Even if I did, it charges really quick; you can plug it in for 15 minutes and then be able to play for the rest of the day with no dramas.” Of course, Logitech have now removed the need for charging
into a bigger house, though, so everyone has their own bedroom. It’s improved our wellbeing and made it a lot easier to deal with things when it gets rough.”
and the Chiefs, the group was super excited to get to try it out. ‘We got a sample sent out to us. Wireless, for us, is something that we got on board with about mid-last year. The Powerplay mat is something we’re genuinely really excited for, and it’s the next step in wireless tech. Having the Powerplay would be really helpful
Top lane meta “In terms of top meta right now, it’s been one of the better metas so far. People know me as the tank top – they call me a ‘potato tank’ player - but I do like playing a variety of things, like Kled, Jarvan IV, Galeo. I think tanks are strong at the moment, but moreso bruisers who can be a threat to the backline; that’s the playstyle I like to play.”
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