STACK #180 Oct 2019



TOURING 25/10 - 8/11

Please tell us that at least some of the things from Backseat ’s lyrics and clip are true in the story of your romance with Oscar [Dawson; producer, musician, husband]. Most specifically, did you cold-call him (the way the spoken-word bit in the song’s middle suggests), and did you bond overTool? So yes, I did cold-call him! I was so nervous, and I basically said the same thing that's on the recording. I won the triple J Unearthed comp to open Melbourne Laneway in 2013 and I needed a guitarist, and Oz had played guitar on the EP, so I thought I would just call and see if he was free. I was so surprised and happy he wanted to play music with me! And, the thing about Tool is a bit of poetic license. We did bond over '90s bands but not Tool. Tool just rhymed easier than Nirvana or Red Hot Chili Peppers! The entire album is a real examination of past follies, current follies, admissions, confidences, and a literal History of Boys . Did you put IWon’t Lie as the closing track to kind of stamp authenticity on the previous messages? Yeah, I guess that song feels uplifting in a self-deprecating way, and kinda sums up the whole message of the record. It was one of the first songs I wrote (along with Backseat ) so it felt good to put such an early, unfiltered song like that (as you put it) stamp, to finish the album. ZKR


On her second album, Ali Barter's voice is a rose climbing over the punky power-pop chords that accompany her explorations of self.

You've said that during writing, you discovered the “thing [you] were pushing against was [yourself].”That’s a pretty massive detection. Do you suspect that more of these kinds of personal revelations are coming in the future? Haha, yes, always. I’m a very introspective person, so I’m always looking in to work out why I feel the way I do. It

helps me to move forward. I’m definitely writing about stuff for the third record that is spinning me out a bit! But it’s all good and I enjoy digging out my flaws and letting them go. Or just accepting them, because some fears or flaws never leave – they just become quieter.

Hello, I'm Doing My Best by Ali Barter is out Oct 18 via Inertia.

Read the full chat online @

BUSBY MAROU Thomas Busby and Jeremy Marou have delivered another mindful record of sunny folk-pop in The Great Divide . Busby answered our Q&A.

these people, and are they related to the person for whom this song is written? This song is a special track. It’s a story about a young man’s journey from the Torres Strait Islands to mainland Australia. It’s about a black fella growing up in a white man’s world, and clinging on to culture. It’s about a son missing his father. Jeremy is the son and the lead vocal in this song and all the background voices that can be heard in this track are members of the Marou family, from Jeremy’s father's village in Mer Island. We were lucky enough to travel to the island together with our producer. We

You two harmonise like blood brothers!The vocals on Wildflower are particularly lovely; do you two sit down and write harmonies or do you improvise? Jeremy has been gifted with an ear for music and our harmonies are always sung by his natural instinct. We were lucky to have Ali Barter hang with us in the studio for a few days and she provided guest harmonies on Wildflower . She is an amazing vocalist and this is one of my favourite tracks.

The top and tail of the record include recorded sounds surrounding the studio at night. These were initially captured by accident as we were tracking live. We all agreed this vibe out weighed the perfection of a typical slick studio track. Naba Norem (Reef Song) also contains samples of a group chatting, laughing, whistling, and singing along.Who are

spent time hanging with the locals, at the beaches, on the reef, visiting schools,

TOURING 3/10 - 23/11

fishing, and at the village where we recorded sacred drums, TI instruments, and group vocals to help give the track the cultural feel. It was an experience of a lifetime. ZKR

Did The Bachelor/ette inform the central sentiment of its chorus, “You can keep your red rose, I’ve had plenty of those/You only get one wildflower”? No, but this is a great thought! Messaging the publicity now… next season’s theme song perhaps? There are some atmospheric samples across the record, like the insect chirps on the opening and closing tracks.Where were these recorded?

The Great Divide by Busby Marou is out now via Warner.

Read the full article online @



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