STACK #157 Nov 2017
Some places make you feel alive. WESTWORLD: SEASON 1 – THE MAZE
Release Date: 08/11/17 Format:
BD & 4K
About the Series An Invitation to the Set Crafting the Narrative The Big Moment: Teddy Versus the Man in Black The Big Moment: A Host Self- Sabotages Welcome to Westworld New Realising the Dream: First Week on the Set of Westworld Imagining the Main Title Reality of A.I.: Westworld The Big Moment: Maeve Gets An Answer The Big Moment: Dr. Ford’s Blood Sacrifice Gag Reel The Big Moment: Dr. Ford’s New Narrative
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HBO’s brilliant new sci-fi series expands on the core themes of Michael Crichton’s 1973 film of the same name, as well as questions raised in Blade Runner . Ostensibly Jurassic Park with artificial humans, Westworld is a futuristic theme park that allows guests to pay ridiculous sums of money to indulge in their wildest western fantasies. The park is filled with autonomous robotic
The Key to the Chords Crafting the Narrative
hosts all going through the motions dictated by their programming, and the intricate narratives written for them. However, unlike Yul Brynner’s android gunslinger in the original movie, they’re designed with advanced AI and prosthetics, making them indistinguishable from humans. But what happens when these hosts begin to question their own existence? That’s just
one intriguing thread in a show that ruminates on the nature of consciousness and the danger of playing God, while spinning an intriguing central mystery with more twists than a strand of DNA. Featuring a top notch cast – including Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris and Thandie Newton – and stellar production values, Westworld is must-see TV. SH
Westworld (1973)
It’s not over until lightning strikes. CARS 3
Release Date: 08/11/17
Audio Commentary with director Brian Fee, producer Kevin Reher, co-producer Andrea Warren, and Cars franchise creative director Jay Ward Deleted Scenes Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes Cars D’oeuvres My First Car Miss Fritter’s Racing Skoool Cruz Ramirez: The Yellow Car That Could Ready for the Race Cars 3 Reveals: - Lightning McQueen - Cruz Ramirez - Jackson Storm
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Lightning McQueen is busy doing his thing – winning races – until, well, he isn’t. There’s a new breed of racer in town, using technology and crunched numbers to gain an advantage and win those shiny cups. Jackson Storm is fast becoming the new king of the racing ring, and McQueen isn’t sure how to deal. His sponsors have a plan though, selling out to mudflap money man (and number 95 fan) Sterling, who builds an
on, or realise that his competitive days are over and mentor the next generation? Cars 3 has several emotionally resonant adult themes running through its fuel lines, as well as a spirited girl power message (yes, gender bias also exists in a vehicular society). And there’s more racing and less fluff than its two predecessors. Start your engines, Pixar fans. AF
institute to train up-and-coming racers – and (ostensibly) help McQueen regain a competitive edge. Cars 3 is essentially a Rocky movie, just with more stickers. The ageing champ is on his way out, a new breed is coming through, the older guy doesn’t want to quit, but he needs to find a way to compete... Should he continue
Cars, Cars 2
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