STACK #133 Nov 2016
STILL SMOKIN’ How have you changed since the worldwide success of the first Ted film? TED: You know I don’t think Everyone’s favourite potty-mouth teddy bear dishes the dirt on the stars of TED 2 and explains why the sequel should be seen as the Empire Strikes Back of Seth MacFarlane’s blockbuster comedy series. M
I think that rule applies to more than just sequels, ya know. But yeah, absolutely. And it’s definitely true of Ted 2 . I’m obviously a big fan of my first movie, but we’ve really pushed the boat out with this one. This is our Empire Strikes Back , our Temple of Doom , our Aliens . We’ve got more laughs, more cursing, more action; more vulgarity... I’ll be seriously pissed if we don’t get an Oscar nomination.
fame has changed me at all. I still drink Bud Light, granted now it is served in a golden chalice by Phun- Li, my own personal Thai ladyboy. But basically I still put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else… I mean, if I wore pants that last thing would be true. It’s always been my mantra that it’s important to stay humble. “Do you have any weed?” is another one of my famous mantras. What did it take to get you to come back for the sequel, Ted 2 ? Are you calling me Ted 2? Oh, no you’re referring to the film of the same name. Got it. Well honestly, it took a great deal of money for me to come back. Not because I want the money, heavens no. I just wanted to feel the commitment to the project on the fiduciary side of things, if that makes sense. It doesn’t? Damn. What was it like teaming up again with MarkWahlberg and Jessica Barth? Well, being that they are the only actors I’ve ever worked with professionally – I don’t count Jean Claude Van Damme – it was a welcome reunion. I’ve kind of taken
MarkWahlberg,Ted and Amanda Seyfried
Had you ever thought about civil rights before you got entangled in your own case? Of course man, I’m an American – we learn about our racist past before we’re old enough to even say the n-bomb. Which, incidentally, I only ever do in an ironic sense or when singing along to hip-hop. So, yeah, I know about civil rights. I voted for Barack Obama. I saw 12 Years a Slave . I listen to Public Enemy. I have my share of white guilt, okay? Did you do a lot of research to prepare for the court scenes? You bet. However, I’m of the opinion there’s nothing in the American justice system that can’t be learned from watching Law & Order . I don’t know why students bother with Law School, when you can get it all covered in 60 minutes of TV and still have time for a bong and a beer. Well, that show and Judge Judy . In the new film, you visit Comic Con – how did you find it? Do you have any secret, nerdy pleasures? That entire conference hall is one big nerdy pleasure. Though some of the Dungeons and Dragons dudes – they get a little intense for
I’ll be seriously pissed if we don’t get an Oscar nomination
Mark under my wing, poor kid. He needed the direction because his career has been a little ‘eh’ lately. I told him the first thing he should do is a Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch reunion tour. At this point in his career, he really needs to remind people where he came from and give the people those ‘good vibrations’ they’ve been dying for. Having now been married in a movie, what are your thoughts on marriage in general ? I’m all for it. Sure some people call it ‘an institution,’ in that it feels a prison from which there is no escape. But I like the idea of monogamy. I look forward to spending the rest of my life making sweet love with the same person, every night. Then soon after that, every week, and then before you know it, you’ll be lucky if you’re getting it once a year for your birthday. But it’s romantic right? First, I just need to find the perfect Mrs. Ted – in about 20 years or so.
me. But the cosplay girls, they are my favourite – particularly anyone who dresses as an Ewok, especially Latara, the cute lady one. The thought of her got me through many lonely nights as a teenage cub.
• Ted 2 is out on Nov 26
The rule of a successful sequel is that bigger is better; do you believe in that film adage?
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