STACK NZ Sep #77
Anime Punctuation is Weird
Anime titles have a weird habit of using punctuation and typography more for visual effect than for its intended use. Here's a few corkers from the Madman catalogue.
Psycho-Pass:The Movie
W riter Gen Urobochi is responsible for many of my most loved sci-fi anime series in recent years, and right on top of that list is Psycho-Pass . Thankfully Gen has returned to pen Psycho-Pass:The Movie , which sees the Ministry of Welfare's Public Safety Bureau tackling terrorism in Japan before shipping Inspector Tsunemori offshore to deal with the threat at its source. The film also sees the return of animation studio Production IG who are at their best when working in this sort of dystopian sci-fi space. Needless to say, this is a must-buy for fans of the franchise. Psychic SchoolWars somewhat answers the age old school year question of "what does everyone see in this jerk?". If anime teaches us anything, it's that the jerk in your Year 9 Geography class who seemed to have bewitched everyone but you was a powerful psychic. Just like Ryoichi Kyoguko, who all but takes control of his Kamakura Junior High School. The takeaway – jerks are psychic. One of the most successful trapped-in-an- MMORPG series gets a sequel in the form
:of Log Horizon: Season 2, Part 1 . After six months of forced play time in the world of Elder Tales, the People of the Land (NPCs) are locked in conflict with Goblins while Shiroe and company are forced to decide whether to stay or leave Akihabara with the news that... wait for it... winter is coming. Exclamation point! Love Live!The School Idol Movie continues the crazy popular school idol series that has the anime world in a flap. Think of it as a sickly, double saccharine, extra golden syrup with a dash of honey version of K-On! As defending champions of the school idol tournament, the LL girls are forced to question "who am I?" in a form of Zoolandian introspection. I'm not sure that you can actually work out the bugs, and I wouldn't be keen on having a number of testers, but Girl Friend Beta: The Complete Series also hits shelves this month. This series is nowhere near as sinister nor tawdry as I imply, quite the opposite. This is some top shelf, tune in, zone out, feel good marshmallow fluff. Also out this month is Naruto Spin-Off: Rock Lee and his
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks A slash and a colon plus amazing animation and rich story as well?! Sign me up! To-Love-Ru Darkness This one isn't actually so wacky and actually uses this orthographic standard to play on the Japanese translation of "trouble" as an English loan word. K-On! Not only does the series proper use an exclamation mark, but the sequel is double excited with the title K-On!! .Hack//Quantum The whole dot Hack series is littered
Ninja Pals , Shonen Hollywood - Holly Stage for 49 Season 1 , Your Lie in April Part 2 , Yurikumi Arashi Complete Series , Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! Complete Series and Gonna Be theTwin-Tail!! Complete Series .
with punctuation but how do you pronounce /? Answer: you don't.
Girl Friend Beta:The Complete Series
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