STACK NZ Jul #64
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Music That We Think You Should Check Out
SHILPA RAY last year’s savage “One of the most phenomenal things I’ve seen in a long time.” Nick Cave Out Now
The JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION freedom tower “Sounds as grease-slicked and super-cool as ever” **** Mojo Out Now
Geoff barrow and ben salisbury ex_machine soundtrack Soundtrack to the acclaimed film by Alex Garland Out Now
YEARS AND YEARS Communion Luminous UK electro pop, winners of the BBC 2015 Sound Poll. Out July 10
CHEMICAL BROThers Born in the echoes Barnstorming return from electro legends, with St Vincent, Cate Le Bon Out July 17
Tame impala Currents A genre-bending soundscape. Filtered via a modern psychedelic third eye. Exhilarating! Out July 17
avalanche city We are for the wild places The new album from the man behind Love, Love , Love. Out July 3
veruca salt Ghost notes “Reignites the Chicago quartet’s high-powered bubblegum grunge ... potent as ever.” STACK Out July 10
ms mr how does it feel? Euphoric synth pop from Brooklyn, New York. Out July 17
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