STACK NZ Dec #69
If you spot a Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper or CloneTrooper at a public event (that doesn't involve cosplay), it's a safe bet they're members of the 501st Legion, the global StarWars costuming club and a force in charity work, whose numbers now rank in the thousands. STACK caught up with Melbourne member Adam Ingeme.
How many 501st Garrisons are there in Australia, and which one do you belong to? Nationally we consist of four Garrisons. There is the Redback Garrison serving Queensland, Southern Dewback Garrison in SA, Southern Cross Garrison operates throughout New South Wales/ACT, and Terror Australis Garrison takes care of WA, Tassie, Victoria, and if need be, Northern Territory. I troop under Terror Australis in the Knightfall Squad. What’s the approximate membership nationally? There are 406 active Legionnaires within Australia, of approx. 8,100 auxiliaries worldwide.
Anaheim for Star Wars Celebration VII, and just recently in LA for Stan Lee’s Comikaze. My aim is to get to San Diego Comic-Con next year. Through the Legion, I have forged friendships globally. What’s been the most memorable/rewarding experience to date for you as a 501st trooper? Most memorable moment was meeting the father of a small girl who was going through chemotherapy, out and about one day, who was telling us about the struggles the family had been going through seeing their daughter fight cancer, and how our visit to the Starlight room had for a brief moment allowed her to forget about the chemo and just enjoy a tea party with a Stormtrooper. How many First Order Stormtroopers have joined the ranks of the 501st? I know that there have been nearly 200 suits of armour stamped, I don’t know the actual approved numbers. However, I see friends on Facebook posting their approvals, so I can assure you the number is greater than four. Do you see your ranks swelling following The Force Awakens ? Even in the build up to the new trilogy, fan interest has led to a steady stream of fresh recruits, and I can see this figure growing much further.
How comfortable is the uniform, and are bathroom breaks a challenge? At first it was pretty uncomfortable, but the more one troops, the more we articulate limbs and increase functionality. I can now run, sit, fall and pick myself up with ease… as for the bathroom thing, it requires nearly undressing completely, unless you can work things around a two-piece undersuit. How frequently do 501st appearances/ events/opportunities arise? We get requests on a regular basis for troops; we have scheduled visits to the Royal Children’s Hospital every three months. There are quite a few events that we repeat annually, and with the lead-up to the new movie, our requests have surged with the film's popularity. The 501st is always receptive to engagement, best accessible via an event request on
How long have you been a member? I’m what’s known as a “shiny” as my armour is still quite glossy. With a smidge over two years in the Legion, I’ve completed 45 troops. Did your costume initially pass inspection, or did you have to modify it to meet 501st standards? As we advise any potential recruit, research is key in getting any costume up to scratch. My first build took three months to complete, and with the eight weeks waiting for the plastic to be vacuformed and shipped from overseas, I spent my evenings trawling the forums and viewing screenshots of A New Hope . Upon receiving the plastics, I was measuring repeatedly and test fitting many times; with such diligence, my costume was cleared first attempt.
What kind of events have you attended – local and/or international? Any events where I can troop alongside my friends and fellow legionnaires are always the best. Additionally, I’m a fan of the international convention circuit. Earlier this year I flew out to
What’s the current going rate for a Stormtrooper uniform? Unfortunately, being down in Australia we have to deal with overheads like a fluctuating US dollar and intl shipping. Between plastic, soft parts, boots, blaster and tools/paints, my costume was around $1,700.
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