STACK #161 Mar 2018

EXTRAS NEWS STACK Home Entertainment Awards 2017 winners The people have voted!


THE WINNERS ARE… A massive thank you to everyone who took the time to cast their votes in this year’s STACK Home Entertainment Awards (AKA SHEAs). We’ve had a huge response from our readers keen to their register support for the best film, TV series, album and game of 2017. So without further ado,

The SHEA for best TV series released in 2017 goes to Game of Thrones: Season 7

The SHEA for best film released on DVD & Blu-ray in 2017 goes to Logan

What we said: “A brutal and intense action-thriller devoid of the usual global threat, mutant ensemble and visual effects overload… the best has been saved for last.”

What we said: “Season seven might have fewer episodes but that doesn’t equate to less action and intrigue. The pacing has been ramped up considerably and there’s a sense of urgency now as events and characters converge for what promises to be an epic finale.”

The SHEA for best game released in 2017 goes to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

The SHEA for best album released in 2017 goes to Ed Sheeran, Divide

What we said: “Link’s latest adventure is a

What we said: “Sheeran brandishes his undampened melodic/ lyrical skillset in anthems which no longer exhibit drunken regrets.”

welcome breath of fresh air for the franchise, and a brilliant launch title for a console just finding its feet.”


MARCH 2018

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