STACK #137 Mar 2016
BLUESFEST 2016 The official Bluesfest compilation is back with the very best tracks from the iconic line-up at this year's festival. Artists featured include Brian Wilson, D'Angelo and the Vanguard, The Cat Empire, UB40, Ash Grunwald and Hiatus Kaiyote.
SONGHOY BLUES Produced by Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), Music In Exile is Mali band Songhoy Blues’ debut album. Driving rhythms, big hearts and a story to tell.
LORD HURON Strange Trails is the follow-up to Lord Huron’s debut Lonesome Dreams , which gained widespread critical acclaim and acknowledgment in the year-end ‘Best Ofs.'
CITY AND COLOUR Rare does a record strike a perfect balance between the live sound and studio magic, but If I Should Go Before You – Dallas Green's fifth album as City And Colour – manages to capture that synchronicity.
ALLEN STONE Radius , the new album to be released this month by Allen Stone, reaffirms Allen’s commitment to making uncompromisingly soulful music that transcends all pop conventions.
MELISSA ETHERIDGE Academy Award-winner and two-time Grammy winner Melissa Etheridge’s 13th studio album THIS IS M.E. is out March 11. It features 11 new tracks, and the special Australian edition has four extra tracks.
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