STACK #137 Mar 2016
Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking Music Editor Zoë Radas JuniorWriter Alesha Kolbe Creative Director Justin Buxton DVD Consultant Michelle Black Games Consultant Stuart Duncan
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Issue 137 MARCH 2016
WELCOME “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning.” These were the initial words committed to paper which would lead to the first book involving the adventures of a British Secret Service agent named James Bond. Author Ian Fleming, a former Naval Intelligence Officer, had been percolating the idea for some time, drawing on his own operational service for inspiration. He completed the final draft of Casino Royale in March 1952. However, he was unsure whether the general public would have an appetite for his Cold War-themed spy fiction. 64 years and 24 official films later, it’s safe to say the masses weren’t just hungry for Bond’s escapades, but voracious. This month, Daniel Craig returns to the iconic role for the fourth (and final?) time in Spectre . And despite the uncertainty surrounding his future as 007, fans need not fear that the series will slip off the radar. It’s not just nostalgia that has driven Bond’s longevity and success; it’s also the franchise’s ability to refresh itself (and its lead actor) by reflecting evolving social expectations and acceptability. In Skyfall , supervillain Raoul Silva asks 007 what his hobby is. “Resurrection!” replies Bond. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
Music Consultants Mike Glynn, Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Amy Flower Contributors John Ferguson, Graham Reid, Michael Dwyer, Jeff Jenkins, Emily Kelly, Simon Lukic, Chris Murray, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Gill Pringle, Ryan Huff, John Roebuck Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Photographer Chip Mooney Production Manager Craig Patterson Accounts Coordinator Tracy Kingman
Correspondence STACK P.O. Box 2051, Richmond South, VIC 3121
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SPECTRE © 2015 Danjaq, MGM, CPII. SPECTRE, and related James Bond Trademarks, TM Danjaq. © 2016 Danjaq and MGM. All Rights Reserved. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX, FOX and associated logos are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and its related entities.
The large print giveth, the small print taketh away. “Ghosts are real, thatmuch I know. I’ve seen them allmy life...”
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