STACK #137 Mar 2016
Pen Holder
Press Here to move notes to Bamboo Spark app
Gadget Pocket for business cards, etc.
A5 Notebook uses ordinary paper
Perfect for Business!
Smart folio with gadget pocket
Bamboo Spark Pen with specialised ink cartridge
Handwritten notes saved digitally. When that great idea arrives, you’ll want to capture it in the most convenient way you know: with pen and paper. The Bamboo Spark is a smart folio that allows you to capture digital notes from ordinary paper. At the touch of a button your handwriting is converted to text allowing you to search and share your notes faster. Never lose an idea again! Notes can be edited on your phone or tablet and saved to the cloud for access anywhere. Compatible with most Bluetooth® Smart Ready devices running iOS or Android. Available in ‘Tablet Sleeve’ or ‘Gadget Pocket’. Get yours today from JB Hi-Fi ht tp : / /wacom. l i / spa r k j bh i f i
Smart folio with tablet Sleeve
Smart folio with gadget pocket
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