STACK #164 June 2018
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Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking
Music Editor Zoë Radas Staff Writer Alesha Kolbe
Issue 164 JUNE 2018
Creative Director Michelle Black DVD Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Andre Eivik Music Consultant Mike Glynn Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Gill Pringle Contributors Amy Flower, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Billy Pinnell, Jonathan Alley, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Adam Colby, Tim Lambert, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Gage Pendergast Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson
WELCOME After ten years, 19 films, and billions in global box-office, Marvel Studios has cemented its position as a major Hollywood player who is doing everything right – and the public just can’t get enough of its superhero pantheon. With the epic Avengers: Infinity War filling cinemas and the groundbreaking and progressive Black Panther hitting JB Hi-Fi shelves, it’s a massive month for Marvel fans, whose passion is also a driving force behind physical media – so much so, JB has recently introduced dedicated superhero sections in stores, making the hunt for your favourite caped or masked crusader easier than spotting a Stan Lee cameo. In the wake of best-seller Thor: Ragnarok , demand for Black Panther on the home entertainment formats has been equally huge (even while it was still playing cinemas, JB stores were receiving requests for the title) – a testament to the appeal of this shared Cinematic Universe. Marvel can always be counted on to deliver and Black Panther represents another diverse addition to the brand. Its African-American cast and director notwithstanding, the film conjures a unique and vibrant world in the nation of Wakanda – a stunning fusion of high-tech and traditional tribal culture. This month we chat with the film’s costume designer, Ruth Carter, and take a look at the factors instrumental in Marvel’s phenomenal success story (see page 38). Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
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