STACK #153 Jul 2017
Forza Motorsport 7
The X Factor
Words Alesha Kolbe
M icrosoft's E3 2017 press briefing was the first E3 conference I had the pleasure of attending. There's just something about being in the room when not only is a new console revealed, but also the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS, that you just can't put into words. The new console is a monster – 'the most powerful ever', as we weren't allowed to forget – and you're going to want to invest in some new tech if you want to make the most of it; a 4K UHD TV is essential and a kick-
to the nitty gritty of the games. 42 of them, to be exact, with around half being Microsoft exclusives. It was a pretty impressive showing, but no new Halo left me wanting a bit more. But there were plenty of quality titles on hand. Teased at EA’s conference, Anthem from BioWare looks a lot like Mass Effect meets Avatar , and is a new co-op IP set in the far reaches of space. The gameplay on show looked fun, but we’re just hoping we don’t have to rely on random players to complete missions. We also (finally) saw more on Cuphead – that’s now releasing in September – and more Sea of Thieves (which we played
3, with Microsoft also upscaling and improving a bunch of most-loved franchises to look the best on its new hardware. To Microsoft's credit, having Phil Spencer do most of the talking this year, and letting the trailers and gameplay speak for themselves, really worked; it was just down
ass sound system should also be a prerequisite. The Xbox One X launch line-up includes Shadow of War, Forza Motorsport 7 and Crackdown
JULY 2017
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