STACK #141 Jul 2016
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they’ve removed the damn power brick that constantly gets in the way of everything. It’s even got 4K video capabilities, and a 2TB HDD (!), so perhaps it’ll be time for an upgrade. How good would The Wizard That Came From The Moon look in 4K?! A trailer featuring kangaroos also did well to get everyone’s attention, until they realised it was just a scenic introduction to the next Forza game, Horizon 3 . Granted, it does do justice to our beautiful country, so I’ll probably jump in for a couple of hours and just drive over things. Like if Drive Club were set Down Under, and people actually played it. Ever since Recore ’s reveal last year I’ve been wanting more. For one reason or another, the concept of moving an orb (core) from one inanimate object to another caught me, and I can’t wait to get my hands on this when it launches. One thing I didn’t expect was a creepy, almost Orwellian (shh I read like half of Nineteen Eighty-Four ) title by the name of We Happy Few . If you’re trying to get your head around the idea, just picture a game where you’re attempting to escape from a city of Happy Mask Salesmen. You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?
Something that I never thought would excite me is a Star Trek VR game. Maybe it was the way the trailer was edited, but I actually am super interested in checking out Bridge Crew when it releases. Vikings and Samurais and Ninjas – oh my! We saw some brutal gameplay from For Honor that looks tedious but at least worth a shot. I’ll be playing as a Viking just to honour Robbaz. Honestly, I’ve never really been into the whole Kratos thing, but this instalment of God of War has Mjolnir so you can bet your cute red tattoos I’ll be having a crack. And teaching your son how to do things while wrestling other bigger things that are attacking him? It’s just like The Revenant ! I’ve been way too excited about Horizon: Zero Dawn ever since I first heard of its existence. I think it has at least a little bit to do with the fact that it’s basically Skyrim, except you play as Lydia and there are mechanical dinosaurs running around. Like a better Tomb Raider. Like… ARK: Survival Evolved ? VR looks to be slowly taking over the world, with the announcement of a Batman Arkham VR title, that reportedly will be more focused on Bruce’s detective side than his combat. Probably a good
thing for VR, and hopefully that also means I won’t have to come face-to-mask with The Scarecrow. Potentially the biggest jaw-dropping trailer moment was when everyone realised that super slick-looking space footage with giant Avatar mechs and a grapple thing was the new Call of Duty. It got slammed when the trailer dropped, but it looks as though everyone that was only gonna grab it for the Modern Warfare remaster may have a second campaign on their hands. Sony totally won this year’s E3 IMO; not only did they announce a CRASH BANDICOOT REMASTER, but they brought along none other than Hideo Kojima to show off his studio’s new game Death Stranding . (Four for you Hideo, you go Hideo!) As for Nintendo’s overwhelmingly short presentation, I’m super excited for the two new Pokémon games, if slightly confused as to why they didn’t just use Solrock and Lunatone as the legendaries. Of course, there’s Pokémon GO out in July too, but who knows where that’s gonna, uh, go... Time to start saving and put in my leave for the Skyrim release. Until next year.
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