STACK #129 Jul 2016
Return The Getaway Plan return with their first album in four years – the fan-funded Dark Horses .
comfortable enough doing it. “All the fans want is a Getaway Plan album: that’s an easy transaction for us, we make the best record that we can,” says Ellis. Wright agrees, saying that while the band did have offers from record companies, they ultimately decided to go their own way with Dark Horses . “We knew there would come a point where we wouldn’t see eye-to-eye with these people, because they were in corporate land, “ he says. “It once seemed like magic, what labels did: you take away the curtain and ok, there is a bit of work to do … but ultimately, you don’t need a record label.“ Dark Horses is only the band’s third full-
F or The Getaway Plan to be releasing music in 2015 is quite a feat. First off, they actually broke up in 2009, reconvening the original line-up in 2011 to release Requiem. Four years on, they’ve again reinvented themselves with a new line-up, and a whole new way of existing – far from relying on record company budgets and negotiating the notorious vagaries of the industry, they’ve become their own cottage industry. Dark Horses was financed by fans, and they’ve done all the work around the release – the artwork, the website, merchandise design, everything but the kitchen sink – pretty much by themselves. Sitting down over coffee in inner Melbourne
All the fans want is a Getaway Plan album: that's an easy transaction for us
one bright winter afternoon, lead singer Matt Wright and guitarist Clint Ellis admit they have been “stressed out of their minds” with all the work required, above and beyond making music, to get an album released – but they’re
JULY 2015 JB Hi-Fi
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