STACK #129 Jul 2016
Founder Nic Short Editor Scott Hocking Contributors
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Games Editor Paul Jones Music Editor Jonathan Alley Creative Director Justin Buxton DVD Consultant Michelle Black Games Consultant Jeff Kuhl Cinema Consultant Chris Murray Music Consultants Mike Glynn, Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones, Zoë Radas, Adam Colby Contributors Alesha Kolbe, Amy Flower, Rebecca Rowlands, Mark Ankucic, John Ferguson, Graham Reid, Michael Dwyer, Jeff Jenkins, Emily Kelly, Simon Lukic, Chris Murray, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Doug Wallen, Simon Winkler, Gill Pringle Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson Accounts Coordinator Tracy Kingman
Issue 129
JULY 2015
WELCOME I t’s been and gone for another year, but attendees of the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, would’ve undoubtedly left this year elated at what was presented to them over two and a half days. In recent years we have generally left the show mildly deflated, feeling that pre-show publisher promises have rarely been fulfilled. But not E3 2015. No, this show kept the tempo at a beat that was practically impossible to keep up with. From the monumental announcements at the press conferences that brought fully grown human beings to their knees in joy, to the exciting advancements in Virtual Reality technology (that in 12 months have gone from being a simple tech demo to a full product that enthralled visitors), the video game show of shows did not disappoint. With the world looking on, the visionary industry creating the games for the new-gen consoles finally delivered a preview of the exciting future awaiting hardcore and casual gamers alike. Fortunately, STACK had someone on the ground in Los Angeles to cover the show, and his extensive coverage begins on page 64. So grab a cup of tea, put your feet up, read on, and prepare to be excited about the future. It’s here!
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The large print giveth, the small print taketh away. “Will you stop playing that tiny piano?”
MARCH 2015 JB Hi-Fi ©2015 Fox.
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