STACK #160 Feb 2018
Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking
Music Editor Zoë Radas StaffWriter Alesha Kolbe
Issue 160 FEBRUARY 2018
Creative Director Michelle Black DVD Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Andre Eivik Music Consultant Mike Glynn Tech Consultant Chris Allen Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Gill Pringle Contributors Amy Flower, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Billy Pinnell, Jennifer Dou, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Adam Colby, Tim Lambert, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Jayden Perry, Samantha Baldry Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson Production Assistant Alan Netherclift
WELCOME We’re right in the middle of movie awards season with the big kahuna, the Academy Awards, unfurling in early March. Amidst the Golden Globes, the SAGs, PGAs and BAFTAs, the Oscars still stands at the pinnacle, not just of achievement and prestige, but of media attention and focus. Now in its 90th year, public access to the event is unprecedented, with social media coverage tracking and delivering practically every second of the ceremony. Cinephiles and critics line-up next to couture vultures, ready to dissect every win, step, statement and stitch. Each year the same question arises: are the Academy Awards still relevant? Are we really interested in all the saccharine, self-congratulatory pats on the backs of Hollywood’s elite, adorned in Armani suits and Dior dresses? It’s easy to be cynical about the Oscars: the predictability of the winners, the diplomatic selections, and its use as a political platform is a recurrent feature. But the nominees are usually a good representation of Hollywood’s strongest productions for the year, as voted by close to 7,000 Academy members. They don’t always get the winners right, but by and large the nominations are on point. And amidst all the glitz, glam, laborious speeches, and inevitable fashion faux pas, the Oscars still draws attention to the filmmaking business, and all of its different facets. In a world where any free time is competing with a myriad of entertainment options, it keeps movies where they should be: front and centre. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
Correspondence STACK P.O. Box 2051, Richmond, VIC 3121
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