STACK #148 Feb 2017


Peril and parenthood. SHERLOCK: SERIES 4

Death knows no borders. FEAR THE WALKING DEAD: SEASON 2

Release Date: 15/02/17


Release Date: 08/02/17


“Mr Holmes, do you not ruminate upon the labelling of a mere three episodes as a 'series' being a tad preposterous?” “Indubitably!” Still, as this is the fourth outing of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved dick and sidekick, Holmes and Watson, we’re used to it. We certainly won’t complain about the dramatic punch contained in the three movie- length episodes contained within, either, each of their own but also supporting overarching intrigue. ‘The Six Thatchers’ involves ex-PM Maggie busting out in China, death and a

With the episode count upped from six to fifteen, and a mid-season break in between, the second season of this prologue to the zombie apocalpyse emerges from the shadow of its more popular sibling series, although it does share some of the problems that continue to plague TWD – namely cheats involving the fate of some of the characters, who'll begin to grow on you after an alienating introduction in season one. FTWD season two charts a different course, with Madison (Kim Dickens), Travis (Cliff Curtis) and family setting sail for a safer port – zombies

classic Holmesian mystery. ‘The Lying Detective’ features both cereal and serial killer, while the finale – appropriately named ‘The Final Problem’ – is a trip. Family matters, and this possibly final episode – despite Cumberbatch being signed for a fifth outing – is, well, it is what it is... AF

can't swim, right? – only to encounter a different kind of peril on the ocean (have none of them seen Dead Calm ?). Much of the second half takes place in Mexico, where every day is the Day of the Dead. AMC have renewed the show for a third season, which is due to air this year. SH

School of shadows. CLASS

Who shall inherit the Earth? WAYWARD PINES: SEASON 2

Release Date: 01/02/17


Release Date: Out Now


This Doctor Who spin-off is set in Coal Hill Academy – the school that has been a part of Who history since 1963. Peter Capaldi's Doctor pops in for a cameo in the opening episode, but the series is primarily concerned with a group of students and faculty members – some of whom are human and some not. And when a hostile alien race called the Shadowkin threatens Earth, the Coal Hill gang have more than an algebra pop quiz to worry about. Combining sci-fi with adolescent issues and Buffy the Vampire Slayer heroics, Class is aimed at young adult

With the big twist revealed midway through the first season and much of the original source material from Blake Crouch’s books now exhausted, a fresh approach was always going to be required for a second series of Wayward Pines . As hinted in the final episode of the first series, Wayward Pines is now ruled by the Hitler Youth-ish First Generation, led by the ruthless and fanatical Jason Higgins (Tom Stevens). However, his authority is challenged almost immediately by the newly awakened town doctor, Theo Yedbin (Jason Patric). Moreover, the community’s food

viewers rather than kids who cower behind the sofa at the first sight of the Daleks. It also features killer flowers, a coach with a dragon tattoo, and a lot of heart(s). Look out, too, for a subplot involving a familar Doctor Who monster that leaves the door open for a second season. SH

stocks are dwindling and there are signs that the bloodthirsty creatures surrounding the Pines may be smarter and more organised than first thought. No word as yet whether the series will be back for a third round, but if it doesn’t return, this provides a most satisfying conclusion. JF


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