STACK #158 Dec 2017
Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking
Music Editor Zoë Radas StaffWriter Alesha Kolbe
Issue 158 DECEMBER 2017
Creative Director Michelle Black DVD Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Andre Eivik Music Consultant Mike Glynn Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Gill Pringle Contributors
WELCOME There’s a condition known as the ‘Doorway Effect’ that I, and many others I know, encounter when strolling into a shop with a mental list of items to buy. Literally the second I pass through the door, the list that I was recounting over and over again just moments before vanishes like dry ice, and I’m left to aimlessly shuffle around the store in the vain hope that I’ll pick up a clue and remember what it is I need. This always happens to me whenever I enter a JB Hi-Fi. It becomes even more challenging this time of the year when you throw the chaos of the Christmas masses into the mix – I can be lost in there for an hour before walking out with a bag of films and CDs, none of which were on the original list. Have you started your nightmare before Christmas shopping yet? When you find yourself in JB this year, STACK takes the ‘Doorway Effect’ completely out of the equation with a handy gift guide inside the magazine. There are movie and TV boxed sets, video games and accessories, and even a list of essential Christmas album suggestions. Still stuck for ideas? Where do you stand on gift vouchers? Personally, I thoroughly endorse them. There’s nothing wrong with being given the option of choosing something you actually want, rather than ending up with a wall-mounted singing fish and a set of jeweller’s screwdrivers you know you’ll never use. Good luck with the crowds, and from all of us at STACK , we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and NewYear. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
Amy Flower, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Chris Murray, Billy Pinnell, Jennifer Dou, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Adam Colby, Tim Lambert, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Jayden Perry Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson Production Assistant Alan Netherclift
Correspondence STACK P.O. Box 2051, Richmond, VIC 3121
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