STACK #146 Dec 2016
Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking Music Editor Zoë Radas JuniorWriter Alesha Kolbe
Issue 146 DECEMBER 2016
Creative Director Justin Buxton DVD Consultant Michelle Black Games Consultant Andre Eivik Music Consultants Mike Glynn, Fleur Parker Tech Consultant Chris Allen Contributors John Ferguson, Graham Reid, Gill Pringle, Michael Dwyer, Jeff Jenkins, Emily Kelly, Simon Lukic, Chris Murray, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Adam Colby, Savannah Douglas Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Photographer Chip Mooney Production Manager Craig Patterson Accounts Coordinator Tracy Kingman Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Amy Flower
WELCOME December is generally the epitome of chaos. It’s the sudden realisation that you haven’t even thought about Christmas presents and it’s looking highly likely that the pack of charity Christmas cards you’ve had in the stationery drawer for two years will be there for a third. And for some unknown reason, there’s always a desperate, almost pathological, need to catch-up with people for a drink before the 25th – people that you haven’t seen or cared about all year. Remember how you told yourself this time last December, when you searched the shopping mall car park for two hours, that you would do your Christmas shopping early next time? It didn’t happen, did it? Now you’re going to have to face the elbows and the ankle-bruising, pram-wielding parents in a retail Running of the Bulls. However, there is an easy solution. If you’re unsure what to buy your loved ones this year, head into your local JB, corner a category staff member and let them do the hard work for you. Whether you’re thinking video games, music or DVDs, these super knowledgeable folk are on hand to guide you through the process of making a purchase that you won’t be embarrassed to watch being opened on Christmas morning. And then you can sit back, pull a cracker, and bask in the kudos of that inspired gift choice. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy NewYear. See you in 2017. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
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