STACK #154 Aug 2017
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I t's time to get down and inky once again, with Nintendo's Switch debut of Splatoon. Splatoon 2 is a welcome return to squid-laden fun, two years after the original third-person-ink-shooter released. Online battles return for 4-on-4 mayhem, but thanks to the portability of the Switch you can now take on your mates locally, battling with up to 7 nearby players. Your kit will feature weapons old and new, with the introduction of twin Splat Dualies – two dual-wielded guns with an added roll mechanic – as well as upgraded familiar weapons. The improved gyroscopes in the Joy-Con controllers now offer more accurate targeting; you also have the option of the Pro controller instead, if you choose. Splatoon 2 is more fun than ever,
with the upgraded tech of the Switch
Date ending: 28/07/17
giving the game the much needed boost necessary to keep it relevant in the latest gen – constant 60 FPS, anyone? The single-player campaign
1 rugby league live 4 (ps4/xbo) 2 crash bandicoot n-sane trilogy (ps4) 3 splatoon 2 (switch) 4 nba 2k17 (ps4/xbo) 5 call of duty: modern warfare (PS4/XBO) 6 mario kart 8 deluxe (switch) 7 grand theft auto v (PS4/XBO/ps3/360/pc) 8 uncharted 4: a thief's end (ps4) 9 afl evolution (ps4/xbo) 10 horizon zero dawn (PS4)
is back for those who aren't too keen on waging a turf war against other, perhaps more highly-skilled opponents, and includes some handy improvements on the original; for example, you can now try out all the weapon types before you equip them in multiplayer. If all that wasn't enough, Splatoon 2 even jets its way into proper shooter territory with a horde mode. Get inking.
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom has been delayed until January 2018. GT Sport now has a (reportedly) final release date – October 18, 2017. Popular anime LittleWitch Academia is getting a PS4 and PC game. StarWars: Battlefront II 's beta will begin for those that have pre- ordered on October 4. For everyone else it's October 6, and it will end October 9. NEWS GAMER ROUNDUP
Elite Dangerous Overwatch
26 Studios operated by French publisher Ubisoft.
14 Years in which Duke Nukem Forever was in development.
1 Developers who worked on Space Invaders.
18 Platforms that a Call of Duty title has released on.
712 The number of licensed games released for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
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