STACK #142 Aug 2016
The XBOX Story Developer: MICROSOFT YEAR: 1998 - CURRENT We take a brief look at how an idea from four proactive and insightful Microsoft engineers lit the fuse on one of the most successful console stories in video game history.
A group of four Microsoft DirectX engineers begin working on a secret console project codenamed DirectX Box. With the company so entrenched in PC gaming, the maverick designers have a fight on their hands.
The imminent arrival of the PS2 poses a looming threat to PC gaming. Microsoft, concerned its development community will defect, warms to the idea of console gaming. Not one, but two projects emerge. Bill Gates green-lights DirectX Box.
On November 15, 2001, Microsoft’s Xbox is released in North America. Sales get off to a flying start with 550,000 units selling in the first week. It arrives in Australia on March 14, 2002.
In an unprecedented turnaround, the console is developed in just two years. A compelling launch line-up is assembled; it includes new IP, Halo:
1999 - 2001
Xbox LIVE, Microsoft’s innovative online platform, launches and revolutionises console multiplayer gaming.
Combat Evolved. (Bungie were making games for Mac when Microsoft bought the studio out – Steve Jobs isn’t impressed.)
Codenamed Xeno, plans for the development of the Xbox successor are hatched.
Production of Xbox is discontinued. Over a four-year cycle it sells 24 million units, falling below Microsoft’s expectations.
With the introduction of Kinect, Microsoft states that the 360 is halfway through its lifecycle, but the industry is awash with rumours of the next console. Dubbed the ‘Xbox 720’ by media, developers receive dev kits for Microsoft's next console.
In the same year on May 12, Microsoft lifts the cover on the Xbox 360, and seven months later it’s in stores across the States. Priced at $649, Australia gets the console in March 2006 – a full year before the PS3 arrives. Despite technical problems (the ‘red ring of death’ claims two STACK 360s), it goes on to boss the seventh generation of consoles, selling an impressive 80 million units as of 2013. Production ceases in April 2016. 2005
Project Scorpio is due to release
At this year’s E3 Microsoft press conference, the company unveils two new consoles. The first is an updated Xbox One known as the ‘S’. It’s 40 per cent smaller, ships with
in 2017. Little is known at this stage other than it will be packed with six teraflops of power and will feature ‘true’ 4K gaming.
a tweaked controller and a built-in power supply, and features 4K and HDR support. The console is available this month.
The Xbox One is officially unveiled in May, 2013. The console is released in November 2013 and is priced at $599 in Australia. It sells one million units in 24 hours.
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