STACK #166 Aug 2018
yet to be announced but recent preview reports on the campaign have been overwhelmingly positive – start save up that sick leave! RELEASE DATE: October 26 RIDE 3 Fast becoming the go to title for racing sim fans of the two-wheeled variety, there’s a lot to be excited about the third game in the franchise.
SUPER SMASH BROS. ULTIMATE Every character from Smash Bros history (we still love you, Waluigi) is headed to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Switch this December. It’s a must-have for Christmas. RELEASE DATE: December 7
Built of the Unreal Engine 4, RIDE 3 will feature 12 new tracks and a selection of new bikes bringing the total up to a formidable 230. RELEASE DATE: November 8 FALLOUT 76 Another juggernaut competing for your dollars this year is the online-only (think The Division ) survival game Fallout 76 . Set just 20 years on from when the bombs were dropped, the colourful world of West Virginia is four times larger than Fallout 4 and players can build
HITMAN 2 Thankfully ditching the episodic format for the conventional model, players will get the entire game on one disc. Agent 47 is back. There are six new open world locations available to ply your deadly trade where players will be encouraged to be creative with the killing at hand. RELEASE DATE: November 17
mobile bases and even launch nukes. And all further DLC drops will be free. Bonus! RELEASE DATE: November 14 POKEMON: LET’S GO If you can’t wait until November to get your hands on Pokemon: Let’s Go , you aren’t alone. The Pokemon RPGs meet Pokemon GO in this endlessly fun addition to the Switch catalogue. RELEASE DATE: : November 16
JUST CAUSE 4 Announced during E3, Rico Rodriguez is back and heading to South America for more chaos than you can throw a grappling hook at. It’s a busy period for Avalanche Studios juggling both Just Cause 4 and Rage 2 at the same time. There’s a heap of new vehicles, plenty of customisation options and 100
kilometres of area to blow up. RELEASE DATE: December 4
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