STACK #166 Aug 2018



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Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & DVD Editor Scott Hocking

Music Editor Zoë Radas Staff Writer Alesha Kolbe

Issue 166 AUGUST 2018

Creative Director Michelle Black DVD Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Andre Eivik Music Consultant Mike Glynn Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones , Gill Pringle Contributors Amy Flower, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Billy Pinnell, Jonathan Alley, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Adam Colby, Tim Lambert, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Samantha Baldry, Rebecca Fawcett-Smith, Jake Cleland Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson

WELCOME It’s like a revolving door here at STACK sometimes. Following our trip to Los Angeles in June to cover the Electronic Entertainment Expo, our film editor promptly threw his clothes and laptop into a bag and made a beeline for San Diego Comic-Con, swapping an icy Melburnian winter for the Californian heat. Consequently, we’ve dedicated six whole pages to the coverage to bring you every key announcement, plus a candid behind-the-scenes look at the most important pop culture convention in the world. But wait, there’s more. Do you like gaming? Enjoy watching esports? Have no idea what esports are? Well, either way we’ve got you covered. JB Hi-Fi has thrown its support behind the Melbourne Esports Open (MEO), a two-day event that will squeeze itself in during the AFL bye weekend on the 1st and 2nd of September, before the finals kick off in earnest. So, to both demystify and inform, the games team have put together a six-page section (it’s the month for six-page sections!) on what we can expect, a word from the ESL boss, a guide to esports, and a handy glossary if you don’t know your MOBAs from a Meta. And speaking of video games, the run-up to Christmas this year for triple-A releases is the best that we can remember for quite some time. We’ve compiled a guide to the war for Q4, highlighting all the games you’ll want to be playing over the next four months. Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief

Correspondence STACK 33 Jessie Street, Richmond, VIC 3121


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