STACK#127 May 2016


Founder Nic Short Editor Scott Hocking Contributors

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Games Editor Paul Jones Music Editor Jonathan Alley Creative Director Justin Buxton DVD Consultant Michelle Black Games Consultant Jeff Kuhl Cinema Consultant Chris Murray Music Consultants Mike Glynn, Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Bob Jones, Zoë Radas, Adam Colby Contributors Amy Flower, Rebecca Rowlands, Alesha Kolbe, Mark Ankucic, John Ferguson, Graham Reid, Michael Dwyer, Jeff Jenkins, Emily Kelly, Simon Lukic, Chris Murray, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Doug Wallen, Simon Winkler, John Roebuck Social Media Manager Sally Carlier-Hull Production Manager Craig Patterson Accounts Coordinator Tracy Kingman

Issue 127

MAY 2015

WELCOME H ollywood loves a true story, and so do audiences. While viewers’ fascination with reality onscreen has today mutated into an inexplicable obsession with watching people cooking, renovating, singing and dancing on television, you can’t deny the allure of a good old fashioned biopic. There are four fine examples out on DVD this month – Unbroken , American Sniper , The Imitation Game and Mr. Turner – and thanks to the actors and filmmakers involved, if we didn’t already know who Louie Zamperini, Chris Kyle, Alan Turing and J.M.W. Turner were, and why their incredible stories have attracted filmmakers like Clint Eastwood, Mike Leigh and Angelina Jolie, we do now. Adaptations of bestselling novels are also a mainstay at the box-office, especially if they’ve transcended the bestseller lists to become pop culture phenomena. In 2001 it was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ; in 2006 it was The Da Vinci Code ; in 2008 it was Twilight . And this year it’s Fifty Shades of Grey . We’ll leave you to decide which one will stand the test of time.

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The large print giveth, the small print taketh away. “Youwant hearts and flowers? That’s not something I know.”


MARCH 2015 JB Hi-Fi

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