STACK #233 March 2024




WWE 2K24 Get ready to celebrate 40 years of WrestleMania! A new 2K Showcase mode focuses on the immortals, including the likes of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels, and Undertaker. We’ll be able to replay iconic moments from throughout WrestleMania history, with seamless

PRINCESS PEACH: SHOWTIME! Nearly 20 years have passed since Super Princess Peach on the Nintendo DS, but the pink-loving royal is finally back as the cover star in a whole new adventure. A simple outing to the Sparkle Theatre goes awry when evil sorceress Grape and her minions the Sour Bunch literally steal the show. Pairing

morphing between gameplay and live action footage. Add to this all sorts of new match types, challenges, and a raft of multiplayer challenges and you’d better be ready to rumble!

with the theatre’s guardian Stella, Peach must transform her way to save the day. She’ll swordfight, she’ll go detective, she’ll turn kung fu master, and more!







ALONE IN THE DARK It’s time for a love letter to the survival horror originator, as the legendary series is reborn for a new era. You can play as either of two protagonists – voiced by Jodie Comer (TV’s Killing Eve ) and David Harbour (TV’s Stranger Things ) – in a mystery that’s set in the US deep

RISE OF THE RONIN Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh… now the Team Ninja masters bring us a new IP that’s set to feature all the action you’d expect from a developer with their pedigree. Set in the dark late 19th century Edo period, create your custom Ronin, and take part in the Boshin war, using a

south of the 1920s. Explore a home for the mentally ill where strange things are afoot, in a plot involving odd residents, dangerous monsters, and, of course, rising evil!

vast array of weaponry of the time to fight your way through. This action RPG will also offer many story branch choices, as you align with or fight those that you encounter.







DRAGON’S DOGMA II It’s taken a dozen years, but finally a sequel to Capcom’s Dragon's Dogma is heading our way. This single-player, third-person action RPG offers players new levels of choice, from their look to their vocation, the composition of their party, and more. A deep fantasy world awaits,

SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! It’s time to head on down to South Park once again, with the arrival of a whole new 3D adventure set in the snowed-in mountain town. The New Kid returns from The Stick of Truth and The Fractured but Whole , joining up with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny in a celebration of that most magical of days – the school-free snow day! Up to four can play

as your Arisen is joined by helper pawns. You’ll employ swords, bows, and magic as you explore an open world that’s four times larger than that of the original.

at once, in combat against warring factions, equipped with unique weapons and devastating special abilities.







Are you up to answering all eight of this month’s game related posers? 1. What was the name of the Aussie-developed wrestling game released in 1985 by Melbourne House?

Answers: 1. Rock’n Wrestle 2. H.P. Lovecraft 3. Dark Arisen

2. Which noted American writer’s work was the main inspiration behind Alone in the Dark ? 3. What was the subtitle of the advanced version release of the original Dragon’s Dogma ? 4. Under what name was Princess Peach first known to western audiences? 5. What was the first ever game release from developers Team Ninja? 6. What was the name of the 1999 South Park game that starred Chef? 7. What was the name of the first ever Game & Watch handheld, released by Nintendo in 1980? 8. What was the name of the first ever arcade game that used LaserDisc technology, released in 1983?

4. Princess Toadstool 5. Dead or Alive 6. South Park: Chef’s Luv Shack 7. Ball 8. Astron Belt



14 MARCH 2024

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