STACK #228 October 2023
Talk to Me is just the beginning for twin brothers Danny and Michael Philippou, aka lmmaking duo RackaRacka. Words Glenn Cochrane
T he brothers' horror movie, about thrill seeking friends who summon the dead for their own amusement, has resonated with audiences all around the globe, with high-profile fans including Stephen King, Jordan Peele and Ari Aster. The Aussie rabble-rousers have taken the world by storm,
Australian film blowing up worldwide and garnering unanimous praise isn't something to baulk at, and the brothers are fully aware they’re in a unique position. “It seems impossible,” says Danny. “It literally
says. “That's finished, and we would love to
exploding onto the scene and breaking box offce records. Not bad for two dorks from Adelaide who have suddenly found themselves to be a hot property and the centre of attention. “This whole journey has been surreal,” admits Danny when the brothers catch up with STACK over Zoom. “We're on a billboard in Mexico,” adds Michael. “It's insane!” A low-budget, independent,
feels like we're dreaming. And I hope it opens the door. I feel like Australians have unique storytelling.”
shoot that. We're always imagining stuff, and it's like, 'Let's go again,’” he says with a snap-snap-clap of his hands. “We want to do an action film, too,” Danny adds enthusiastically. “We've got ADHD; there's like, 10 projects we want to settle into.” Whatever they choose to pursue next, there's no doubt that the rest of us will be cheering them on with excitement. The bros – who have been filming their backyard antics in suburban SA since the age of nine – are doing us proud, and are moments away from the dizzying heights of Hollywood.
More often than not, the gruelling process of making a full-length feature film catches first-timers by surprise. Many who achieve it then walk away, ‘one-and-done’. That's not the case for these two hotshots, as they contemplate their next move. “There's a horror film that's been written called Bring Her Back ,” Michael
• Talk to Me is out Oct 25
Aussie lmmaker Matthew Holmes has stepped out of his comfort zone to make The Cost , an unflinching revenge thriller that is far removed from the period dramas he’s known for. Words Glenn Cochrane
C hatting with STACK, the Twin Rivers and The Legend of Ben Hall director explains the transition. “I could say that it’s an artistic decision or that I wanted to grow as a filmmaker, but to be honest, it’s easier to shoot in a modern setting than it is to film in a historical setting. And it really didn’t feel any different than shooting
forcing the viewer to question their own principles and virtues. “It’s not just black and white,” says actor Kevin Dee, who plays the perpetrator turned victim of the story. “The audience doesn’t know how to feel about this guy, because obviously he has done these horrible and brutal things in the past, but
Star Kevin Dee adds, “It was a fine line not to make [his character] a
something set in the 1930s. You still have to make it feel authentic”. The most polarising aspect of The Cost is its moral ambiguity. Telling the story of two men exacting brutal revenge against a man who killed a loved one, the drama explores the grey areas of vengeance,
stereotypical bad guy that people are just not going to feel anything for, and there’s got to be a sense of empathy there.” To describe The Cost as thought-provoking is an understatement – it’s a film that relies on the viewer’s participation. It’s a remarkable, relentless and thrilling slice of cinema with a lot of complexity, and one that reaffrms Matthew Holmes as one of Australia’s most compelling filmmakers.
does he deserve what’s happening to him?” “Our intentions weren’t to
answer the questions, so much as pose the question,” says Holmes, when explaining the film’s position on social justice vs. law and order. “We wanted to make the film like a prism that you could look through from every angle.”
• The Cost is out Oct 18
30 OCTOBER 2023
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