STACK #222 April 2023


So you wanna be a content creator?With today’s technology and social media it’s easier than ever for anybody to make cool stuff and get it in front of an audience. Here’s our guide to getting started, how to stand out from the crowd, and what kind of equipment you might need, with some pointers from podcasters, streamers and other content creators. Words Michael Irving W hat kind of content do you want to make? The first and most obvious question coolest bars and cafes in your city? Whatever you’re good at or passionate about, there’s an audience hungry for content on it. How can you get started? TIPS “The best piece of advice I’d give to myself before I started this journey is be consistent. Unless you are regularly posting on all your

to ask yourself is – what kind of content do you want to produce? Are you a gamer who wants to stream their adventures? Do you want to do comedy skits, or instructional videos? Inspire people with your fitness journey? Show off your musical or artistic talents? Interview interesting folks on a podcast? Tell people about the

channels, your following won’t grow. Research what other good creators are doing!” - Annie

You don’t need to fork out for a truckload of fancy gear straight away – you can get started right now with stuff you already have. See that phone in your pocket? It’s packing some

34 APRIL 2023

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