STACK #220 February 2023




ideal commute option, and it will tackle hills of up to 25 per cent incline. Charge time is close to seven hours. It’s rated IPX4, and, as with most electric scooters, you won’t want to tackle a deep puddle on it, but it will afford protection if you get caught in the rain shower. Another game changer is the front and rear suspension. There’s a single spring in the front and a double spring in the rear, and you can feel the effectiveness and flex of the suspension by bouncing up and down on the deck while in

motion. This means you can take the Bandicoot across more off-road surfaces (grass, unsealed roads, tracks) that otherwise limit traditional electric scooters. The ten-inch tubeless tyres assist in challenging conditions, omitting the risk of puncture that, until you’ve experienced the nightmare of getting one on an electric scooter, is an absolute blessing and a confidence booster. The Bandicoot is fitted with front and rear drum disc brakes, and a rear electric brake sited on the left grip. The left grip also houses the indicator controls, while the right has the throttle button, a light switch for night scootering (Daxys Midnight Runner?), and a selector for the riding modes, Eco, Dynamic, and Sport. Speed, distance travelled, ride mode, and battery life are displayed on the LED panel fitted in the middle of the handlebars. A hook attached to the steering column is worth mentioning. It serves two purposes: it forms part of a catch that makes the

A first-class electric scooter for all riding conditions with some nifty new additions. Words Paul Jones O ver the last three years, we’ve road tested a number of electric scooters as new

models arrive in-store at JB. Most are designed for road use with the commuter in mind, and aside from subtle performance or aesthetic tweaks, they all follow a similar blueprint. But occasionally, a new kid on the block rolls into town with

enough changes on board to spin convention on its head. Meet Daxys’ Bandicoot. Relatively new to the Please Note: Each state and territory in Australia has a different set of rules and regulations pertaining to the usage of e-scooters and e-boards (including where e-scooters and e-boards can legally be used and whether e-scooters and e-boards need to be registered with the relevant road traffic authority). Any user of this product must ensure that they check and abide by their local by-laws and use responsibly. Ride with caution and always wear a helmet and protective gear when riding your e-scooter or e-board.

market, the Daxys Bandicoot electric scooter has features that will have you asking why they haven’t been implemented earlier. Most noticeable is the width of the handlebars. At 66 cm, this is far wider than any scooter we’ve ridden before, and it not only feels good but offers better control on tight corners. And a wider deck provides more options for comfortable foot placement and is especially beneficial to people with bigger feet. Finally, indicators on either side at the rear of the deck

and then mirrored at the ends of the grips just make sense, especially for riders who spend more time on roads during commute hours Let’s look at the numbers. The Bandicoot weighs 25kg and can take a rider up to 120kg. A powerful 1000w motor (500w nominal power) sits under the deck, and you feel this power in the take-off when you pull the throttle down with a thumb. Although it’s restrained legally at 25kmh, there’s a lot more grunt under the hood. The range is around the 50km mark, making it an

Bandicoot easy to carry once folded down, and it also doubles as a latch to wrap a shopping bag over if you take a trip to the supermarket. The Daxys Bandicoot is a well-thought-out electric scooter. Robust, powerful, and practical across varied uses, she’s not scared to hit the rough when the need calls. With an expansive range and offering an extremely comfortable ride, there’s never been a better time to leave the car at home.

68 FEBRUARY 2023

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