STACK #220 February 2023
Hogwarts Legacy is finally here! We've got a guide for smartphones for all budgets. Plus, device round up for Back to Uni and cool new tech from CES.
ISSUE 220 FEB ’23
STACK Issue 220 FEBRUARY 2023 “I’ll never forget the first ti me I walked through those doors.”
HOGWARTS LEGACY software © 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Avalanche. WIZARDING WORLD and HARRY POTTER Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling. PORTKEY GAMES, HOGWARTS LEGACY, WIZARDING WORLD AND HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia © and ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WARNER BROS. GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s23)
ISSUE 220 FEB ’23
ISSUE 220 FEB ’23
ISSUE 220 FEB 2023
GAMING 4 Take 5/Game changers! 6-9 Hogwarts Legacy 10 Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe 12 Atomic Heart 14 STACK recommends 16 Out this month 18 PlayStation VR2 20 Fast forward/Q5 MOVIE & TV 22 Take 5 24 The Whale 26-27 The Top 20 4K UHD discs you must own 28 Violent Night 29 The Menu 30 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 31 Seriously Red 32 As Good as Dead 34 New from Imprint Films 36 Out this month TECH 38 Tech intro 40-42 Our smartphone buying guide 44 Demystifying the tech around smartphones 46 Smartphone camera insight 48 Making movies with a smartphone 50 Form factor phones 52 Diablo and Batman make it on the Asus ROG 6 54-55 Smartphones for all budgets 56-58 Essential smartphone accessories 62-66 Must have tech for back to uni 68 The ultimate electric scooter 70 Garmin’s Vivofit jr. 3 72-78 CES 2023 news round-up MUSIC FLIP MAG AND READ FROM BACK 4-11 The Music Room: Kimbra, Sam Smith, Adam Lambert and more 12-13 AlbumTales: Icehouse’s Icehouse Plays Flowers - Live (2020) 14-15 The STACK Record Club: Lauryn Hill, The Killers and more 16-17 Cover story: The Reign of Twain 18-20 Album reviews
When Hogwarts Legacy was announced way back in late 2020, the game quickly made its way onto gamers’ most
anticipated lists. And despite a couple of delays, the excitement surrounding it has continued to build over the last two and a half years. This month we finally get to jump into the RPG adventure and explore the hallowed halls long before Harry Potter was even a twinkle in his parents’ eyes. Shania Twain adorns our music cover for February; now revitalised and full of the playful humour we love her for, she’s burst out of the 2023 gate with a new album, the spirited and explorative Queen of Me . If you’re on the hunt for a new phone, our insightful guide into smartphones for all budgets will prove to be an essential read. We’ve also got some smartphone camera tips from a professional photographer, and pulled together all the accessories you’ll need for that new purchase. The popularity of 4K UHD as a physical format continues to grow as videophiles demand the very best presentation of their favourite movies and TV shows. This influenced our decision to pull together the top 20 must-own 4K titles at JB for this issue, and it’s quite the list! Paul Jones, Editor-in-Chief
Founder Nic Short Editor-in-Chief Paul Jones Film & TV Editor Scott Hocking Music Editor Zoë Radas Games & Online Editor Amy Flower Creative Director Gary Siewert Movies Consultant Kerrie Taylor Games Consultant Sachi Fernando Music Consultant Mike Glynn
Marketing Manager Fleur Parker Chief Contributors Gill Pringle, Bob Jones Contributors Bryget Chrisfield, Jeff Jenkins, Simon Lukic, Billy Pinnell, Denise Hylands, Simon Winkler, Jake Cleland, Holly Pereira, Adam Colby, Bec Summer, Dan Nicholson, Alex Deutrom, Michael Irving, Jacqui Picone
Social Media Manager Glenn Cochrane Production Manager Craig Patterson Correspondence STACK
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What’s your all-time favourite game or game series?
It’s so hard to pick! I started with Pokémon and Halo as my first few real series of games that I got into, but I’ve been in it for the long haul with the Destiny and ARK series.
KAMRYN MCNEIL @ JB Hi-Fi Elizabeth, SA
What’s the best thing about working in games at JB?
What have you been playing most lately?
Getting to talk games with the customers that come in. No one is more passionate than the people who game, and I love talking about what they’re currently playing and what hardware they use.
I’ve been switching it up between ARK, Destiny, Dying Light 2 , and Two Point Hospital .
You can only have one games console from any era – what would it be and why?
What’s your earliest video gaming memory?
5 FIFA 23
Getting my first Game Boy with Pokémon Blue ! I’ve been a Pokémon fan ever since.
The Xbox Series X. It’s my main console and the one on which I play with my friends the most.
Minecraft – Chicken Egg Cup & Toast Cutter
Pac-Man – Keychain
Mario Kart – Official Keychain
PlayStation – Ice Cube Tray
Pac-Man – Ghost Keychain
GAME CHANGERS! A YEAR IN GAMING Sequels and licensed games continued to come thick and fast, with one in the latter category especially standing out. A future shooter behemoth took its first shots, as did a service that would serve PC gamers for years to come…
By this point, gamers were used to most tie-ins with popular culture icons tending
While it’s now ubiquitous for gamers on many systems, it was September 12, 2003 that saw Steam take its first public baby steps. It started life as a means for Valve Corporation to pump out automatic updates for their various games – and at the same time employing improved antipiracy and anti-cheating measures - before taking tentative aim at distributing titles from third-party publishers later on. Over time it has continued to develop, ballooning to become the largest such service, featuring all sorts of aids for gamers such as social networking and server matchmaking, and as of December 2022 steam now houses over 50,000 games.
Releasing as a Windows exclusive in late 2003, not even Activision themselves realised at the time the gaming behemoth that their first-person war shooter Call of Duty , from developers Infinity Ward, would become. While at last check it was the fourth best-selling gaming franchise ever, with sales well north of 400 million units, CoD started life as a relatively humble World War II shooter. Players experienced situations in various theatres of war, with new AI-controlled allies alongside
towards the “meh’ side of things. So, when The
Simpsons: Hit & Run , the 22nd game based on The Simpsons , was announced, it didn’t raise
a blip. But when the game, an inspired parody of the Grand Theft Auto series, launched, fans were in for a pleasant surprise. With a wild story that featured input from the TV show’s writers and cast, strange things were afoot in Springfield, with aliens Kang and Kodos behind them, all in the name of boosting ratings for their reality show Foolish Earthlings . Now a genuine cult classic, Aussie kids even voted this their fave game at the next Kids Choice Awards.
them to help out when things heated up in what had more of a simulation bent than the majority of shooters at the time. Many ‘game of the year’ plaudits followed, as have many, many sequels…
YOU CAN DO MAGIC! The magic of theWizardingWorld is ours to play with this month with the arrival of the much anticipated Hogwarts Legacy .We caught up with AlanTew, game director at Avalanche Software, to discover more – and to have a nice spot of tea! Words Bec Summer T here have been games based in the world of Harry Potter in the past, but none of the magnitude of Hogwarts Legacy . Diving
“We strived to make it so!” enthuses Tew. “Although the game is absolutely stuffed to the brim with references, both subtle and hidden, to Wizarding lore, we always tried to view them through the perspective of someone who may be entirely unfamiliar with the world and provide investigatory or explanatory dialogue for these concepts. As much as possible, we wanted to give returning and potential fans of the series the chance to see the Wizarding World through entirely fresh eyes, just like Harry did when his story was first unveiled.” As an action RPG, the developers have concocted a world that combines both an open world that can be explored at the players whim with some linear story elements. Tew elaborates. “It will feel like a mix to most players. Missions unveil themselves over the course of the game one at a time or in batches, and different missions trigger additional batches of missions, including side missions, to unveil. But the player can choose which of many available missions they might undertake
back in time and focussing on the venerable place of learning allowed the developers a lot of scope, and much to be excited about. “We’re most excited to give players a fresh ’new student’ experience at Hogwarts,” Tew tells STACK , “with an entirely different faculty and unfamiliar circumstances that will leave their own Hogwarts legacy and indelible mark on the Wizarding World.” It’s also offered the chance to craft a game that those unfamiliar with the Wizarding World can easily click into the vibe of.
as they see fit, and some missions branch based on the order or choices they make in missions prior. The longer players progress through the story, the more open it will feel, as a result of all the
WHAT’S THE STORY? We asked Tew to give us the brief key story summary, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“You’re a student admitted late into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as a fifth year, under mysterious circumstances. While you struggle to catch up to your peers and prepare for your O.W.L.s, you embark on a dangerous journey to uncover a hidden truth of the wizarding world.”
important to note that everything was meant to sound like it belongs in the same
We’re most excited to give players a fresh ’new student’ experience at Hogwarts
universe of themes you’re already familiar with. The
furthest we stretch that is where we deal with concepts and magic that
fans have not seen before, to make sure we bring something new to your own experience.” With so much to explore and discover, we wondered whether Tew could single out any personal favourite areas in Hogwarts Legacy . “It sounds like an easy answer, but I adore Hogwarts itself,” enthuses Tew. “It has this way of unfolding for you over the course of not only the game, but multiple playthroughs. I’m on something like my fifth recent playthrough of the game and I’m still discovering new things about the school that I hadn’t realised before. The team has really done a massive job with the most famous school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” What about a favoured spell? “I swear that also changes every time I play the game,” Tew laughs. “Lately, I’ve been enjoying Glacius more than in prior playthroughs. It has a few ’secret’ uses in the game that are less obvious on first playthrough, and after spending talents on it, I’ve found a really juicy combo with it that’s a joy to exploit on the battlefield.” As well as enjoying the fruits of many years of toil, Tew also hopes that players who get deeply into Hogwarts Legacy may rediscover their love for all things Wizarding World. “More than anything else, I look forward to players returning to the books and movies after having explored the game. It really changes your relationship with the source material when you’ve been to the locations that it references or you’re trying to find locations that were mentioned or seen. When I watch the movies or read the books now, they feel like they’re about places I’ve lived in, and it’s a remarkably nostalgic experience that only sweetens my relationship to a world I was already in love with.”
HOGWARTS LEGACY 101 Tew was delighted to share some hot tips for budding witches and wizards. Generally, I’d say that exploration really pays off. Try to get lost as often as you can. More specifically, make sure you have some money saved up when the broom unlocks because you’ll want as little time between it being accessible and purchased. Finally, pay attention to the fine print in some of our menus. There’s some extremely useful functionality that doesn’t take centre-stage in a game with as many features as we offer, but small things—like being able to summon a beast on command in your Vivarium—come in extremely handy and reward attentive players.
• Hogwarts Legacy is out on Feb 10
options that have unfolded before them, over time.”
Being a game set in the Wizarding World we can look forward to casting spells and cooking up potions, but there are also clever combat elements to master. “In Hogwarts Legacy it’s more about manipulating an enemy into a state of invulnerability, for example by striking with a specific spell when an enemy attacks in a specific way. Also central to your combat consideration is how you defend yourself, either with dodges or Protego. This combination of defence and opportunistic offense means the combat is about maintaining a defensive dance while looking for opportunities to capitalise on moments of weakness, which makes it feel a bit more like long-range fencing,” Tew explains. “From that foundation, talents start building on spells you learn and over time create a specific approach to the battlefield that better suits your specific playstyle. Things like potions and combat plants act almost like an override in this schema, where players who decide to make an investment crafting magical tools before battle are heavily rewarded by their impact in battle.” A lot of time was spent nailing this balance. “The balance was difficult to get right,” admits Tew, “but we’re quite proud of where we landed, and we look forward to hearing from fans about their experience with it. We hope everyone feels it successfully captures the feeling of a Wizarding duel.” Beyond gameplay, naturally graphics and sound can make all the difference to a gaming experience. With several established orchestral thtmes courtesy of the Harry Potter movies, some of what we’ll be hearing will be familiar. But there’s much that's new to discover, too. “There are already-established themes that you will hear in the game, but most of the music is original,” says Tew. “However, it’s
YOU’VE GOT HEAD ON YOU! Shaun of the Dead legend Simon Pegg finally gets to join
the Wizarding World in Hogwarts Legacy , giving voice to the not particularly popular headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black .
1 Which of these areas inside Hogwarts has never been depicted visually inWizardingWorld media before (and will be shown for the first time in Hogwarts Legacy )?
A The Owlery B The Trophy Room C The Ravenclaw commonroom
2 How did Nearly Headless Nick become a ghost? A He was sentenced to decapitation for casting a spell on a witch which caused her to grow tusks B The silk scarf he was wearing around his neck became tangled in the hooves of a departing Hippogriff C A prank by a pair of wizards – in which one convinced Nick that a famously
beautiful witch could be seen out the window, after which the other released the latch on the window pane – went horribly wrong 3 In what area of the United Kingdom is Hogwarts located? A Yorkshire Dales B Cambrian Mountains C Scottish Highlands 4 The Room of Requirement is located on Hogwarts’ seventh floor, opposite a huge tapestry depicting what? A Barnabas the Barmy attempting to teach ballet to a group of trolls B Seven Hippogriffs bowing to Helga Hufflepuff C An ’impossible feast’ of historical wizarding enemies breaking bread together 5 One of the seven secret passages which provides access in and out of Hogwarts is located behind the statue of Gregory the...? A Leathery B Smarmy C Sleek 6 In Care of Magical Creatures class for fifth year students, one of the core critters studied is the Porlock. It is a: A Tiny, phosphorescent insect which always flies in groups of nine and whose excretions are useful in invisibility potions B Shaggy, horse-like creature which walks on two hind legs and guards horse herds C Ocean-dwelling reptile resembling a winged eel, capable of flying out of the water to catch much larger prey 7 What is the name of the magical creature, also studied by fifth year students, which resembles a large feline with
You won’t find any “Which Hogwarts house is Harry Potter in?” questions here – this quiz is designed to root out the casual fans of theWizardingWorld from the truly bonkers devotees. All questions revolve around elements
that you’ll find in the frothily anticipated new offering from Portkey Games, Hogwarts Legacy .
speckled fur and a lion-like tail? A Kakkado B Krinklat C Kneazle (Fun fact: Hermione Granger’s pet Crookshanks is half-Kneazle.)
8 What does Hogwarts’ Latin motto – Draco Dormiens NunquamTitillandus – mean? A A dragon asleep is worth two in a rage B Never tickle a sleeping dragon C Spit at a dragon and suffer tenfold
Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat
9 There is an internal Hogwarts shortcut which connects the Grand Staircase and the ClockTower, hidden behind a painting of Damara Dodderidge.What is the password to gain access? A Chops and gravy B Steak and sausage C Turnip, turnip, turnip 10 By the late-19th century (the era in which Hogwarts Legacy is set), the Hogwarts Express had been ferrying students from London’s King’s Cross Station to Hogsmeade Station near the school for at least four decades.Why was the Hogwarts Express created? A To address the problem of Muggles spotting magical students flying through the air on the way to Hogwarts on brooms, creatures, and all other manner of enchanted objects B The school’s then-Headmistress Eupraxia Mole launched the project as a gift to her adored son, an avid admirer of Muggle mechanical engineering – and as a symbol of prosperity between Muggles and magical folk C The vibrations and audible rumbling of trains was found to deter the Gutwit, a bloodthirsty frog which is especially fond of feasting on the brains of teenaged students 11 Hogwarts is enchanted so that if a Muggle comes close to its location, they will see only a ruined building and a sign saying…? A WELCOME ANNUAL UK CANNIBAL CONVENTION B BIOHAZARD C DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE 12 Chinese Chomping Cabbage is the key ingredient in which healing potion? A Skele-Gro B Essence of Dittany C Pepperup Potion 13 What's likely to happen if a hopeful Squib child dons the Sorting Hat during a Sorting Ceremony (as reportedly occurred in the 1860s)? A The hat will sympathetically state that the child is good-hearted but not a wizard B The hat will convulse and cough out pieces of leather C The hat will cackle louder and louder until it is removed from the Squib’s head 14 By what name do the house-elves at Hogwarts call the Room of Requirement?
Hogwarts Express
18 What will befall the drinker of an incorrectly-mixed Draught of Peace? A They will mistake any hostile behaviour as friendliness B They will develop an aggressive mania C They will fall into a heavy and sometimes permanent sleep 19 Historically, which magical creature were wizards allowed to keep in their personal care as long as they performed daily Disillusionment Charms to keep Muggles from seeing the animal’s true, alarming appearance? A Thestral B Blast-Ended Skrewt C Acromantula 20 In Hogwarts’ Entrance Hall there stands a golden statue of a magical person holding a model of the castle in one hand and, in the other, charts and a set square.The statue depicts: A The Protector of Hogwarts, a hybrid witch-wizard symbolising all four of the school’s founders in one body B The Eye of Hogwarts, AKA Oort the Ocular, first caretaker of the school and engineer of at least two secret passages C The Architect of Hogwarts, an unnamed wizard who planned, designed and oversaw construction of the castle RESULTS See answers on the competition page (page 21 from back cover). Add up your score, with one point for each correct answer.
A The Secret Squirrel Room B The Come and Go Room C The Get It While It’s There Room
15 What is the term given to the uncommon occurrence of the Sorting Hat taking longer than five minutes to sort a Hogwarts student? A Sorting Stonewall B Hatstall C Hat Halt
0 – 5: 6 – 10: 11 – 15: 16 – 20:
Dear me! Someone needs to spend less time on the Quidditch pitch and more time at the library. A disappointing effort, though some Baruffio’s Brain Elixir may help you on your wizarding journey.
16 How did Herpo the Foul breed the first-ever Basilisk – the serpentine creature hidden within the Chamber of Secrets by
Hogwarts co-founder Salazar Slytherin? A He hatched a chicken egg underneath a toad B He splinched a rat and an eel C He performed the Cruciatus Curse on a pregnant lizard, transforming its embryo 17 Which of these is a primary ingredient in Wit-Sharpening Potion, the creation of which is taught in fifth-year Potions class? A Kitten claw B Armadillo bile C Fillet of fairy
We can practically see your trivia-filled brain pulsating behind your eyeballs – bravo!
Okay, you’ve impressed us: no one is supposed to get this far. We highly recommend you become a professor to educate us lesser Muggles in the ways of the Wizarding World!
Nearly Headless Nick
1992: Kirby’s Dream Land Game Boy A blob is born! 1993: Kirby’s Adventure NES A colourful introduction to copy abilities. 1995: Kirby’s Dream Land 2 Game Boy Kirby makes some animal friends. 1998: Kirby’s Dream Land 3 Super Nintendo Multiplayer arrives, with a pastel aesthetic. 2001: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Nintendo 64 Kirby gets into the 3D act, and King Dedede gets playable. 2003: Kirby’s Air Ride GameCube Time for a bit of a racing game, Kirby style! 2004: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Game Boy Advance Kirby does Metroidvania. 2006: Kirby: Power Paintbrush DS New controls for Kirby via stylus. 2011: Kirby’s Epic Yarn Wii Kirby makes his way back to consoles. 2014: Kirby Triple Deluxe 3DS Three games in one – platform, rhythm, and fighting. 2015: Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush Wii U it was sequel time again! 2018: Kirby Star Allies Switch Introducing dream friends and turning enemies into pals. 2022: Kirby and the Forgotten Land Switch Kirby gets to explore like never before. 2023: Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe Switch AWii classic reborn, with subgames, four-player, and the all-new Mecha Copy! KIRBY CAREER HIGHLIGHTS
Fresh from celebrating 30 years in the entertainment business, everybody’s favourite pink glob of gaming goodness is back this month in a Switch update of the classic Kirby’s Return to Dream Land . So, what better time than now to take a wander down memory lane and look at three decades of fun with Kirby? Words Amy Flower I t was 1992 when the world first got to play PINK POWER!
with Kirby, in the side-scrolling platformer from developer HAL Laboratory, Kirby’s Dream Land – known as Kirby of the Stars in Japan. As much as we all now know and love Planet Popstar’s most famous export as a bastion of pinkness, the ever-positive young Kirby started life colourless, mainly because the original Game Boy was also resolutely monochromatic. On the initial box art, the character was just a plain white blob. But creator Masahiro Sakurai, for whom Kirby’s Dream Land was a first go at creating a game, had always intended
• Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
back in 1999 on the Nintendo 64. The field of video games hasn’t been able
Deluxe is out on Feb 24
to contain our lovable blob of pinkness though, with a
Kirby to be pink, despite Nintendo legend Mr Miyamoto wanting the little ray of sunshine to be yellow. As soon as Kirby’s world turned to colour, in 1993’s Kirby’s Adventure for the NES, pink was the order of the day. As for that rotund shape, the Kirby that we know started out as a simple placeholder before the many charms of the simple character were acknowledged and were allowed to live on. And live on Kirby has, having appeared now in more than 40 games, running the gamut from starring roles through to various spinoffs and, of course, there’s been a regular spot for the brave battler in every Super Smash Bros . release since the series debuted
starring role in the Japanese anime series Kirby: Right Back at Ya! . Over some 100 episodes, it took detours from the established gaming story, and introduced some darker themes to proceedings, but all under the watchful eye of Kirby’s creator and guardian, Sakurai. Kirby has also been the subject of several manga series. Kirby may look cute and harmless, but as all fans know the hero is also bold and courageous. As we relive some classic adventures in Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe this month, we can but wonder at what new escapades await our spherical pink popstar in the future.
SUCK ‘N’ BLOW A staple of Kirby games is his ability to inhale both enemies and objects around him, then copy their powers. The mechanic debuted in Kirby’s Dream Land as the cute little protagonist set out to defeat nasty old King Dedede to bring peace back to Dream Land.
NAMING A LEGEND Known as Popopo in development, Kirby was ultimately named in honour of American lawyer John Kirby, who won for Nintendo when Universal
City Studios sued over Donkey Kong ‘s resemblance to their King Kong in 1984.
10 FEBRUARY 2023
©HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo
Sure thing! It’s an experimental power glove named CHAR-les with an integrated polymer AI, which is your main companion and assistant during your whole adventure. CHAR-les will provide you with new objectives, story, and character details. It also grants you crucial-for survival abilities such as scanning areas, plus hacking robots and equipment. In combat, it grants you elemental attacks, allowing you to fight and quickly loot components from the remains of your enemies. Using its power, you’ll be able to deploy energy shields and wield electric, freezing, and telekinetic powers. For instance, depending on your combat situation, you’ll be able to cover enemies with a polymer and then electrify them with a taser, or take a polymer shield and freeze them. So, basically, it allows you to both protect yourself and attack opponents. Can you please give us more info about the Kollektiv and how it affects gameplay? Is this the enemy that we should fear most…? Yes, you definitely should be afraid of it! At the end of WWII, genius scientist Sechenov managed to develop the Kollektiv Neural Network: the first interconnected network of robot servants, capable of replacing humans in their workplace. But right before the launch of Kollektiv 2.0, the network was sabotaged, which led to a truly inescapable, technological nightmare where robots now identify every human as a threat. But even though all these robots are interconnected and controlled by the Kollectiv’s AI, this system can be used against them. You can take control of the CCTV system, use terminals to control the hub of the Kollectiv Neural Network, and even prevent robots from being repaired. But prepare to struggle, as the system will always find a way to adapt to your behaviour and will constantly send countless reinforcements to eliminate you. What do you personally think is the coolest thing about Atomic Heart ? The effect of constant discoveries. We tried our best not to repeat the same things, and to mix them the way players would be most engaged. Our goal was to surprise players and always give them fresh emotions through the different story and world events, enemy encounters, and open or hidden locations design. For instance, players could find themselves in a bright and beautiful open area, right after which they will access a dark and dreadful underground, or laboratories haunted by deadly opponents. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Bagratuni assures us that Atomic Heart has plenty in store once the campaign is over. “There are various unexplored territories in the open world. These places are not easy to find, but they contain lots of secrets, puzzles, fierce enemies and, of course, great rewards.”
Ambitious dystopian shooter Atomic Heart is with us this month, so we had a bit of a chat with the game’s director at developers Mundfish, Robert Bagratuni. Words Amy Flower THE POWER OF GLOVE!
Please give us a quick summary of the key story in Atomic Heart … As I don’t want to spoil anything, I’ll purposely try to be a little bit vague! Our protagonist P-3 is dispatched on a mission to restore the work of the neural network “Kollectiv”, which was sabotaged resulting in robots attacking people, and scientific developments to cause a deadly mutation. Uncovering dark secrets behind the reasons for the mayhem, the story evolves and becomes more horrific and dramatic. You can also expect both comic and deep philosophical elements, as well as a detective, which will hit you with quite a few twists and turns! You’ve taken cues from such legendary shooter franchises as DOOM , BioShock , and Fallout .What sort of influences have these had on Atomic Heart ? These games obviously have a special place in our hearts, as well as famous authors such as Orwell, Huxley, Strugatsky, and Lem, but our goal was to create something original and unique. To be honest, not so many games have a dystopian setting, and we also have a mixture
• Atomic Heart is out on Feb 21
How does Atomic Heart differ from other first-person shooters out there? What makes it stand out is a combination of three core game pillars: rich and unique plot in a dystopian setting with various characters and plot twists; visceral combat combining usage of a melee and firearm weapons with telekinetic abilities of a special glove companion and, finally, elaborate puzzles and thoughtful riddles. Atomic Heart constantly shifts from one aspect to another, always keeping players engaged.
Please tell us more about our protagonist’s polymer glove and what it does?
of various genres and mechanics, a combination that can’t always be seen in classic and immersive shooters. So, these astonishing games helped us better understand what we actually want to create and how we want it to be played. Lovers of the frenetic gameplay of DOOM , dystopian setting of Fallout , and immersive gameplay of Bioshock , combining twohanded gameplay using weapons and special abilities, will undoubtedly find themselves at home playing Atomic Heart .
12 FEBRUARY 2023
The gameplay of XCOM mixed with the mystical side of the Marvel Universe may sound odd on paper, but Marvel’s Midnight Suns will make you believe in magic.
Developed by Firaxis games, the team behind XCOM and Civilization , Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a turn-based strategy card game that looks fantastic and is instantly engaging. While most Marvel fans
Gameplay is similar to Pokémon or original Final Fantasy games, but a bit more evolved. Rather than attacking then waiting for enemy retaliation, your turn involves multiple actions and movements, and there's an environment to move around in, too. Actions like attacking, buffing, and healing use cards that you have equipped at the bottom of the screen. During the chess-like combat, you’re only allowed to have a certain number of cards in your hand, and when you use an ability - such as summoning and attacking with Ghost Rider’s Hellcharger - the card is subsequently removed from your hand. At the end of each turn, you pick up new cards from your deck, which will determine your next turn’s actions. The core gameplay of Marvel’s Midnight Suns is both entertaining and challenging. The variety of heroes available is not only familiar, but also unique and diverse, so you may even find yourself with a new favourite. AD
are aware of the Avengers, the Guardians, and the X-Men, the
Midnight Suns may be less familiar. Rather than mutants, heroes, and space pirates, they’re supernatural heroes like Ghost Rider, Blade, and the mighty morphing Morbius. Things kick off with Hydra resurrecting with Hydra. It's up to the Midnight Suns to stop her. We initially control Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel, before we're given the character Hunter, a hero that we get to create and play as. and awakening Lilith, the mother of demons, who then allies herself
Graphically, Marvel’s Midnight Suns looks fantastic in combat, and features some fabulous little touches. For example, Doctor Strange’s magical attacks pop out of the screen, and his flowing Cloak of Levitation looks majestic while fighting.
The Straw Hat Pirates return, in an anniversary celebration that sends them into serious JRPG territory.
Well, not too serious - the humour and fun that’s made Eiichiro Oda’s creation so beloved through over 100 volumes of One Piece comics and more than 1,000 television episodes is very much present. Story-wise, those hopping aboard the good ship Thousand
have different skills. With standard attacks, items to use and also special moves, there’s much strategy at play – which foe to dispense with first? When to use a special attack? Which type of fighter to bring in, one keyed to power, technique, or speed? The voicework is all in Japanese, which adds to the spectacle. Easy to-read subtitles default to on for those who aren’t fluent in Japanese. There’s also some seriously sweet animation – the game looks like a slice of the classic animated take. If you’re after longevity, then you’ve got it. Just completing the main campaign will take a few dozen hours. Tackling all the side projects will likely take as long again. Both fans and newbies should feel just as at home in One Piece Odyssey , with the former receiving a bunch of fan service, and the latter experiencing the wonders of this imaginative, charming, and often hilarious world for the first time. AF
“YOU READY FOR THIS? I’M PRETTY STRONG” Progression powers up your crew, which is necessary as battles also arc up in difficulty the further that you delve into proceedings. As long as you apply a little nous it never becomes too frustrating though, with battles usually feeling fairly evenly matched.
Sunny are in for a bit of old and a bit of new. Our intrepid crew – as always led by the rubbery Monkey D. Luffy - find themselves stranded on the stormy island of Waford, with poor Sunny in quite the state of disrepair. As the adventure unfolds, memories of the past are explored via various dimensions as each crew member seeks to regain their lost powers. This is accomplished while taking on various adversaries, challenging your biffo chops in turn-based fights where you select four crew members, each of whom
14 FEBRUARY 2023
165Hz 3ms QHD
HOGWARTS LEGACY Enter an incredible 1800s-set open wizarding world where the likes of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the Forbidden Forest are yours to explore. In this action RPG adventure, you’ll encounter fantastic beasts, customise your character, craft potions, master the art of spell casting, upgrade your talents, and become the wizard that
LIKE A DRAGON: ISHIN! SEGA’s Yakuza series spin-off that Japanese fans got to enjoy way back in 2014 is setting sail for our shores, but not before undergoing a thorough modern makeover. The late Edo period-set blend of hack and slash action and adventure will include all new content and remastered graphics, all running on the Unreal
you want to be. You’re a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. What will be the legacy that you leave?
Engine 4, as you take the role of Sakamoto Ryoma, on a quest for vengeance and restoration of honour that may just change the future of your native Japan forever.
THEATRHYTHM FINAL BAR LINE The brilliant rhythm game series based on the massive world of Final Fantasy comes back west in style, packed with 385 tracks to unlock and enjoy, alongside 104 legendary characters. A total of 46 games are represented, as well as all sorts of remakes, spin-offs, and even soundtrack CDs. Like the best rhythm games, it’s easy to get into and a bit more challenging to master, plus
COMPANY OF HEROES 3 Action, tactics, and strategy collide in the latest entry in the storied series. Immerse yourself in the North African Operation for a cinematic look at the theatre that requires the player to be at their tactical best. Classic mechanics have been improved, combat has evolved, and the campaign experience is more replayable than
ever, over a variety of authentic battlefield settings. Grab the special launch edition and score a metal case, embroidered patch, map, collector’s book, DLC, and more.
there’ll be online multiplayer options to share the fun with friends as you watch battles rage while you play.
WILD HEARTS You are a formidable hunter. Pit your ancient technology against the powers of nature as you hunt down giant beasts in a fantasy medieval Japan in this latest epic outing from the people behind the Dynasty Warriors series. As the only fighter in Azuma able to wield Karakuri technology, ancient tech that enables you to adapt
KIRBY’S RETURN TO DREAM LAND DELUXE Prepare for another outbreak of platforming-influenced joy as Kirby returns for another big adventure. This one’s a new version of Wii classic Kirby’s Adventure , but of course it’s been updated in all sorts of ways. Up to four local players can join in, even all playing as Kirby, travelling through Dream Land to help stranded
your environment into creative hunting grounds, you’re being relied upon to take down these giant Kemono beasts, crafting as you go to gain the upper hand in battle.
alien Magolor repair his crashed spaceship. Use Kirby’s shiny new Mecha Copy Ability to have loads of robotic fun, or take a break and play some subgames with pals.
ATOMIC HEART A once utopian world of wonders and perfection is no more, as the unstoppable course of technology and secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures, terrifying machines, and superpowered robots - and they’re suddenly rebelling against their creators! It’s up to you to stop them, utilising the combat abilities of your experimental power
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II The series continues, taking its fusion of retro pixel art and 3D to even greater heights. In the world of Solistia, eight fresh travellers venture forth into an exciting new era. Choose your adventurer, each with their own origin story, motivations, and unique skills, and bring their particular tale to life. You can sail the seas and
explore every corner of a world that changes from day to night, using your unique set of Path Actions to battle townspeople, obtain items, make travel buddies, and more.
glove, your arsenal of blades, and other cutting-edge, upgradeable weaponry in a visually spectacular fight for good.
16 FEBRUARY 2023
the all-new Sense controllers boast a six axis motion sensing system, finger touch sensing, plus adaptive trigger and other haptic feedback. Basically, it does all the cool stuff that the DualSense does, but in a more natural, two-pronged assault that’s been designed specifically to harness VR capabilities. Despite the addition of up-to-the-minute new tech, the whole PlayStation VR2 unit is a little lighter than its predecessor, which naturally NEW HORIZON! Launching the same day as PlayStation VR2 is Horizon Call of the Mountain , a whole new adventure in the Horizon series that’s been specifically designed for VR. PLAYSTATION VR2 TAKES VR TO THE NEXT LEVEL
It’s set to be the most desired piece of new kit for PS5 players this year. It’s PlayStationVR2, and it arrives this month. Here’s a look at what to expect from the exciting new tech that’s aiming to take the virtual reality experience to new heights. Words Amy Flower “R ound” is definitely the order of the day with the cool new setup, as On the technology front, we’re talking a major step up in capability. The PlayStation VR2 will
our heads will be thankful for after inevitable extended VR sessions. Another welcome addition – or subtraction – is that there’ll be only one cable connecting the setup to the console, which is a vast improvement over the more complicated connectivity of the original PS VR. This extends to the camera tech required, with head tracking covered by cameras built into
For those who admire the little touches, the PS VR2 headset bands feature oodles of teensy engraved PlayStation button symbols, just like the PS5 console and the textured grips of the DualSense controller.
the whole set of PlayStation VR2 kit from the main unit to controllers to the separately available charging station looks pleasingly rotund. According to the PlayStation people this, “represents the 360-degree view that players feel when they enter the virtual reality world”. Having learned a lot from the original PlayStation VR for PS4, a lot of attention has been paid to ergonomics this time out. Comfort is a priority for people of varying head sizes, with a similar setup to the original PS VR because, well, it worked. A lens adjustment dial has been added for optimising the viewing
deliver 4K visuals with HDR enhancement at a resolution of 2000×2040 per eye, via super-crisp OLED screens at frame rates of 90/120Hz. It'll also
bring us the intriguingly named "foveated rendering", which uses less processor-hungry graphical fidelity in peripheral vision in order to keep things happening super speedily in the player's focused line of sight - which is monitored by new inbuilt eye-tracking tech. There's even now a built-in motor for extra rumble in-game, so take a blow to the head in what you’re playing, for example, and you'll really feel it in real life! Between
the PlayStation VR2 unit, rather than a separate one sitting atop or in front of your screen. If you do have a PS5 HD Camera though you’ll be able to film yourself playing. Now that could be embarrassing! The future is here with us this month, be excited! GT VR! In big news for racing gamers, Gran Turismo 7 is
experience even more than could be accomplished before, while vents have been incorporated to help avoid the screens fogging up in the literal heat of battle.
this and controller feedback it’ll give game developers more options for greater immersion – or torture! On the control front,
receiving a free virtual reality update in time for the launch of PlayStation VR2.
PROTECTION! One key PlayStation VR2 feature is designed to stop us from bumping into stuff while being absorbed in-game. A customised play area functionality will allow users to define boundaries to the space in which they can play, set up by using the Sense controllers and the headset's embedded cameras. Players will be able to scan the room for setup and, while playing, will receive a warning if they're close to breaching the play perimeter.
18 FEBRUARY 2023
Science fiction violence
PlayStation®VR2 is not for use by children under age 12. PlayStation®5 console required. Sold separately. *Account for PlayStation™Network and internet connection required to redeem voucher. ©2023 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. “PlayStation”, “PlayStation Studios Logo”, “PS5”, “Feel A New Real” and “Play Has No Limits” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.
WO LONG: FALLEN DYNASTY Luo Guanzhong’s historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms has provided inspiration for many games over the years, and it’s at the heart of this latest release from Nioh developers Team Ninja. Set to be an action-packed affair, it’s the tale of a Chinese martial arts swordplay master militia soldier who’s on a quest for survival in a dark fantasy Three Kingdoms Later Han Dynasty world, one that’s brimming with foes such as enemy soldiers and deadly demons.
BAYONETTA ORIGINS: CEREZA AND THE LOST DEMON Have you ever wondered how Bayonetta became Bayonetta? Rather than the usual out-and-out fighting spectaculars that we’ve come to expect from the series over the years, this one takes a fascinating looking storybook adventure route, as we catch up with our favourite witch’s childhood. Players take control of young apprentice witch Cereza, as she teams with her first demon companion, Cheshire, to fend off faeries and solve puzzles in search of her mother.
STAR WARS JEDI: SURVIVOR The journey of Cal Kestis is set to continue in this whole new outing, which picks up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order . No longer a Padawan, Cal has become a powerful Jedi Knight, and his crusade against the Empire has become more perilous than ever, with The Dark Times closing in. Once again, we’re in for a third person, narrative-driven action-adventure that’s been developed in collaboration between EA’s Respawn Entertainment and Lucasfilm Games.
RESIDENT EVIL 4 The legendary 2005 entry in the Resident Evil story returns, fully remade with the latest RE Engine tech at its core. Join Leon S. Kennedy six years after his hellish experiences in the biological disaster of Raccoon City. He’s now an agent reporting directly to the president of the United States, who’s tasked Kennedy with rescuing his kidnapped daughter. The developers promise that they’ve been able to make this the game they wanted to originally, while maintaining the essence of that classic.
1 What’s the first game that you remember playing? Karateka on Apple II. 2 What was the last game that you finished? Tunic on PS5. 3 What’s your favourite video game/series of all time? DOOM. 4 What do you think is the most underrated video game of all time? Vanquish . 5 What’s the game that you most wish you’d worked on? Dead Space !
Creative director on Dead Space at Motive Studio. ROMAN CAMPOS-ORIOLA
20 FEBRUARY 2023
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