STACK #219 January 2023
Sk ip the sneezes and t i ssues . Re l i ef f rom seasona l a l l ergens s tar t here.
TruSens Ai r Pur ifiers use HEPA fil t rat ion to he l p c ap t u r e i ndoor a i rborne po l l u t an t s wh i l s t our UV-C l amp reduces germs and bacter i a t rapped i n the fi l t er.
TruSens Combination Filter Includes:
Washabl e Pre-F i l ter*: captures l arge par t i c les such as dus t and pet ha i r
Act i vated Carbon F i l ter : removes cer ta in gases and odour s f rom the a i r
HEPA F i l ter : captures par t i cu l ate mat ter down to 0.3 mi crons
UV-C L ight : emi t s l ight that reduces growth of germs and bacter i a that can get t rapped in the fi l ter**
*On the Z-2000 and Z-3000 air purifiers ** In laboratory testing, UV lamp reduces Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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