STACK #219 January 2023



Fresh Air

This time of year, air purification is a hot topic. So, what exactly is the deal, and is an air purifier for you? Words Bec Summer

5 top tips to help you shop for the right air purifier 1. Opt for a model that runs quietly and is energy efficient. 2. If you’re running an air purifier regularly, it might be worth looking at filters that can be cleaned or washed. 3. If you intend to continually move the air purifier around the house, consider the unit's weight. 4. If your device has a HEPA filter, ensure it’s a True HEPA filter. To achieve this status, the filter must have a 99.7 per cent efficiency rate with particles up to 0.3 microns. 5. Invariably, in the world of air purification, you do pay for what you get. Don’t undersell a room size to save on a few bucks. At a glance

T he warm weather is here. Time to throw open the doors and windows to air out the house, right? Unfortunately, the changing seasons can bring itchy eyes and constant sneezing for many of us. The dreaded hay fever can often be the gateway into air purification for many Australians, as sufferers seek ways to alleviate the annoying symptoms. Putting an air purifier in the home can indeed help ease the sneeze. But it’s not just allergy sufferers that benefit from air purification in the house. We do tend to spend a lot of time indoors, and dust mites (the enemy of asthmatics), pet dander, smoke, chemicals, and mould spores are some of the other household irritants that can cause potential health hazards that air purifiers may help to eliminate.

How do they work? Portable air purifiers are commonly found in the home and used to filter the air in a single room. In simple terms, once in operation, an air purifier uses a fan to draw the air from the room through either one or a series of filters. It’s these filters that trap the pollutants. The clean air is then cycled back into the room, and the process is repeated. Air purifiers can only trap airborne particles.

32 JANUARY 2023

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